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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Perfect example of the spoiled 1st world brat. Shameless, undisciplined, lacking moral judgement. Spontaneously doing things against other people as a form of Game. Her near-futre fate prediction: Into police jail. Deported and Blacklisted. Locked herself out of this kingdom for good...
  2. Being spunky is one thing. Doing an infamous crime from own greed is another. It is simply an anti-social behavior. Nothing funny about it.
  3. Ms. Henderson purchased cannabis to smoke, after which she began exhibiting unusual behaviour. She became paranoid, fearing that someone was out to harm her... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strong Persecutory Delusion. Often seen with the Methamphetamine addicts(it often makes them increasingly aggressive and dangerous). Sometime it results in a violent crime case like a random knife attack in the street. Did not know that could happen with Marijuana as well. This time, everyone around her was lucky; lucky enough; not to get any physical harm by the drug user. But such an incident will undoubtfully strengthen Anti-Cannabis voices in Thai society. And it makes a lot of sense why Cannabis is often regarded the Gateway Drug...
  4. The only and perfect way to reduce carbon footprint to zero, is the extinction of the whole mankind (7 billions?). No more: Cars/planes/ships/factories/power plants that spit out exhaust gases. Farmlands that consume huge amount of water for crops/meat. But still: Nuclear facilities pose threat to the natural environment. Their reactors are left unmanned,;no longer under control:Atomic furnaces go out of control. Sooner or Later Huge Mushroom Clouds Mushroom in the regions below...
  5. Certainly, worth watching how things eventually turn out...
  6. Certainly worth watching how things eventually turn out...
  7. As they are Cunning Entrepreneur whose ultimate aim is to join world's Celebrities. They never dare to be anywhere Life-Threatening things are taking place. Focusing only on rather minor issues. Disregarding the Real Serious.
  8. Every single country in the world comes with its sovereignty. Choosing foreign visitors to own country is part of that rights. If the German govt feels Greta is harmful in terms of their diplomatic relationship with their ally, they should rather ban her entry. Self-claimed Global Citizen Bull*hitter vested in foreign interest better be prepared for that; regarded Persona non grata(unwelcome/unacceptable alien). Pretty naive to believe Greta Thunberg is one innocent conscience-driven individual. Her staunch defense of the world's worst polluters when she condemned everyone else. It tells all about who is behind her. Big Liers always come with the Selective Eyes/Double Standard. CHINA- UN - INDIA Greta Thunberg accuses everyone, minus China and India (asianews.it)
  9. I often badmouth politicians/bureaucrats/rotten cops here. But quite unlikely to speak ill of common Thai people, food, culture, religion, and climate here. 40 years ago, I never thought about living in South East Asia in any future. 30 years ago, I never thought about it yet. 26 years ago, I came here for the first time. And charmed by the people and food. So I started to dream of retiring here when I get old. 19 years ago, I came here for retirement. Today, nearly 20 years on, I never feel tired of this place. Instead, I come to love it even more day by day...     
  10. Quite an Irony. Once the worst Nazi victim. Started to exercise Nazi-like policies after the Jewish state was established and got strong enough. Expansionism by military force. Making ghetto for the neighbor. The abused often start to abuse others. Same principal applies to both individual and nation? We might be just lucky; fortunate enough not to battle the people next to us on daily basis...
  11. Popular Thai joke, now the world famous
  12. The perfect example is the bandits among the Security Council member states. Waging war of invasion for territorial expansion. And building up military fortification in the middle of the Open Sea.
  13. Political parties here. Often feels like organized crimes themselves.
  14. My perception of this country. Pre-modern society with 20-21th century gadgets...
  15. By the way, what kind of charge will be layed against the waitress there? Guilty for serving F&V at the underground gambling site?
  16. One puzzling phenomenon of the climate change. Draught and unusual level of downpour can happen at the same time in the adjoining areas. Might look strange, but having one same cause. It is the rising temperature. Higher(than usual) temperature sucks up more water from the ground(in one area). And then it goes up in the sky to form more clouds; more rain(in another area). That is How the Super Dry & Super Wet can take one after another.
  17. With or Without foreign weirdo, Germany is forever haunted by their past. Israel gained the unbeatable diplomatic card in return for the death of 6 million of their comrades...
  18. Do I sense any part of the actual climatical change on global scale in my daily life? Good question. My answer is:Yes. I have been in Chiang Mai(old city area), Thailand since mid Nov. 05. 19 years on since my settlement started. There is one thing I noticed in my term. What I have strongly felt is, more humidity than yesteryears(06-09..) during Dry Seasons here: November-March(compared to old days of my residency here). It is reflected upon my monthly power usage(for A/C in my room). In old time, in Dec-Jan, power meter usually moved only around 25/month. But in recent years, it never stays that low: At least 40 or more a month. It means I am feeling more humidity than years ago. And I also started to see more rain during the above season. For the first few years of my settlement here, very few rainy days during these months. I personally appreciate a bit of rain during Nov-Feb period as it serves natural air purifier, though. My experience seems to match part of the typical climatical change theory: Tropical regions are likely to be more cyclonic. Becoming more cyclonic means more humidity in the air. As the humidity is the vital driving force behind cyclone/typhoon. Let me get one thing clear. I am nothing like the supporter of the Green Peace/Sea Shepherd. I rather hate them strongly. I burry every single piece of my vegetable/fruit scrap to landlords' garden(they welcome it). Apple and potato peels are given to their rabbit. And apartment owner's family scoop that animal's scat to put it back to their soil to grow their plants.
  19. After all, did she walk all her way from home to Germany, not to emit extra CO2?
  20. I presume she must be working for the Communist Party of China. When she talked about global emission things, she said that China is not to blame, stressing it is still in the state of developing. That one single phrase gave away whom she is really working for.
  21. I have heard of the similar tale 15 years ago(in Chiang Mai). Some of the immigration cops offered the Backdoor Deal(related to the extension of retirement O) to 1st world foreigners. What he said is, 400B hassle free visa extension. No documents(other than valid passport)/questions asked... I, personally have never met any such man. Another tenant of the apartment talked about it to me.
  22. Do you call the state of Florida(US) the 3rd world?
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