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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Specifications of the A/C in my room. Has been used since Nov.2005. It was already here when I checked in. Thai texts into English with google translate. Any comments from the electrical experts Welcome.
  2. Thanks I studied web site info. And it was first made in 1980(icommercial use). And in 1981, the home use one came out . Both from Japan's Toshiba who invented world's first inverter aircon - Google Search
  3. Sorry for some technical misinterpretation. But the one in my room is seemingly the inverter type.
  4. In Australia, it is difficult for its citizens to buy own house because of the overprice. But here, foreigners basically Cannot Own House or Land because of the law. The only legally available property to an alien is the Condominium room(I thought). Which kind Legal Loophole did they use to make their dream home come true here? Does the official ownership actually belong to anyone else (e.g. Legal/accounting firm or property agent: Thai entity)? Can anyone please advise? Purely a question out of my curiosity though.
  5. Yes. I have seen Inverter type a/c for the first time as early as in mid-late 1970s. My understanding: Inverter a/c has 2 separate devices: One inside on the room wall. Another outside. They are interconnected with wires and duct. The temperature is adjustable notch by notch (able to set the temperature in 1 degree increment even though that function might not be available in 1970s). Did I answer your question correctly?
  6. Odd Example of the Give & Take? How the CIB managed to pinpoint his exact location in BKK? Did they pick up his location information from his pc/phone gives away during its use? The internet connected pcs automatically show their users' whereabout unless locater is off.
  7. Danish man stabs himself with medical knife? A surgical blade is meant to save life, not to take it. But at least, he didn't harm anyone else. He is only liable for the cost of own subsequent treatment and clean-up of the mess he made...
  8. so in case where their discretion in not looking too closely at certain documents or can waive certain requirements that prevent tourist from just walking in and opening accounts, so getting insurance from the do sweeten the deal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I see. Not a Standard Procedure (at all). But the Sales Promotion at individual level under some form of pressure from the above. When I opened my first Thai bank account earlier in the 21st century, my initial legal status here, was the 30-day visa waiver. But I could still open a saving account without much hassles. Looks like No Clear Set Standard regarding the eligibility to access bank account here(other than overstayers/illegal entrants are NO-NO; bank tellers always check each foreigner's visa status/validity at the beginning of transaction). Thank you for your post.
  9. 6 hours ago, JimMfromUSA said: Can you imagine eating the fish from a Thai canal, let alone intentionally swimming in one? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I live in Chiang Mai. There is an old moat surrounding its old city. During the hottest season of the year(March-April), I often see bunch of children around 8-10 Y.O. play and swim there; in the murky brown unclear water that hardly looks clean(some life sewerage pours into it). I wonder if the photo below shocks you?
  10. ...the Bible is the world’s best-selling book... ------------------------------------------------------------ Very true. 5-7 billions are printed and distributed by now.
  11. Green Ambitions? Perfect example of the Easy to Say, Hard(nearly impossible) to Practice. Pursuing relentless economic growth. Constantly driving everyone to consume/own more. Cheap fast fashion garments made for the 1st World alone, comes up to 100 Billion/year. And 92 millions tones of textiles waste is put out in the world each year... Land of the dumped clothings All at the environmental and human costs of the 3rd World countries like Bangladesh. Often involving child labor under the horrific conditions as well. Lays under the bridge is river full of all sorts of wastes
  12. Rapid Greening of Antarctica: Scientists Alarmed by Climate Change Impact ----------------------------------------------------- The only occasion the Greening of the land worries people...
  13. Did he jump into the water not knowing he couldn't swim? If so, he is really hopelessly stupid. Reminds me of one old saying. A fool and his money are soon parted. So as his life. Anyway, RIP...
  14. I have heard that the rescue of the drowning is pretty dangerous. As the dying often grabs at the helper and 2 of them can go down together as the result...
  15. Monk Leads Elephants “Khun Saen” & “Saen Thap” to Deliver Supplies to Flood Victims How nice. Monk is the spiritual leader of Buddhists Thais. And the religious figure makes a good use of ancient transport in the modern day community for the worldly salvation to those in a critical moment. The perfect Man & Animal collaboration for good deed. Wish all the involved return safely.
  16. NATO would not even need to resort to the nuke in the first place. As they are capable of annihilating Russian force in Ukraine by their far superior airpower with conventional ordinances alone. I never insist this groundlessly: NATO Russia military comparison 2024 | Statista Unlike Russia, NATO troops and their armament can be deployed with a Moment Notice as they are a lot better maintained all the time.
  17. What the hell makes that many people upset? What's the difference between looking at written text and tablet? Can hardly understand. Like or hate Pheu Thai doesn't matter.
  18. What the hell makes that many people upset? What is the difference between looking at written text and tablet during the speech? Can hardly understand. Like or hate Pheu Thai, doesn't matter.
  19. Putin's Nuclear Threats: Rhetoric or Reality? 1000% Bull*hit; bluff. As Poo-tin well knows its Consequences. One nuke bang in any part of Ukraine. And it will be the Beginning of The End to himself... Whatever that dictator is mad blockhead, still can predict What Will Happen after that. Looks pretty similar to the case of N/Korea. Often firing missiles into Japan Sea as a meaning of extortion; begging food aid in provocative manner. But never hit the inhabited area of the neighboring country behind the sea. Japan: Under permanent US military occupation after the end of WW2(so many of their military installations from the north to the south). Attacking such an area, means Declaration of War on USA they can never beat...
  20. A very versatile and useful machinery, isn't it? Soil is not the only thing it can pick up. As well as the disaster-hit people facing clear and present danger.
  21. It is a kind of sad when the illegal aliens are subject to penalty while they are working hard and straight without committing common crimes. They often take up kind of jobs modern Thais don't want to do.
  22. Man Crashes Car into Power Poles in Ladprao, 11 Poles Down, Drugs and Gun Found in Vehicle ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Do you call it a One Stop Case? One self-inflicted accident also disclosed other offences. A criminal and evidence all on the same spot.
  23. Cost of NGV. When the fuel system is ill-fitted, it can end up as the time-bomb on wheels. Was the recent death of 23 on the school-chartered bus similar situation incident?
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