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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. And it perfectly Boomeranged the aggressor LOL.
  2. Yeah. Being deaf will not give him any immunity for senseless violence. Make him do his time and face expulsion to the hellish homeland from which he escaped. A draft refugee got himself out of Green Zone. What an idiot...
  3. Thai Actress’s Brother Refuses Settlement with Russian Attacker. Good! Give that son of the b*tch One Way Ticket to BKK Hilton, instead of out-court deal. Unforgettable Thailand Experience for the thug...
  4. Might be the perfect way to Buy Votes. As alcohol impairs people's judgement like drug addiction.
  5. If they were serious about the 10,000 baht hand out then they should've given the money in vouchers that can only be spent in reputable businesses. With a stipulation that booze or smokes can't be bought with these vouchers. Probably a good idea but not a vote grabber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Like Food Stamps in USA? With which they cannot buy booze, and tobacco. Can only be spent on life essentials like daily commodities(food, clothing, medication including over the counter dose). Is my understanding correct?
  6. Just terrorists in the name of the Environmentalists. These idiots often believe they are Above The Law because they got a Cause. Dogmatic arrogant selfishness:That's what they are made of. A piece of art from the previous centuries has nothing to be blamed for today's environmental issues. 2 year sentence is certainly not enough. They should be locked up for life; with the hard forced labor to compensate the damage done to the historic heritage of mankind.
  7. Thailand has certain level of public and private homeless shelters. But such information often doesn't reach those who need help most. As many of them have no means of communications or info search.
  8. Perfect example of the Resource Curse at individual level. If they have no brain/maturity, they cannot make a good use of the gift that is supposed to help them.
  9. Factories rebuild in Japan is highly unlikely. Those industrial plants were all demolished and reduced to the flat land. To bring them back, it will cost them tens of billions(or more). Japan's work force is also rapidly shrinking; can never have enough hands to regain yesteryears' industrial prestige.
  10. Vote Buying. Long standing tradition of the Pheu Thai Party(used to be Thai Rak Thai Party=Patriot Pary). Since Thaksin era(2001-2006).
  11. As a part of their unwritten policies to silently eradicate the idiot among their population?
  12. Truly hopeless family. All drunk at the same time and doing a stupid thing that caused them losses. Remains of the govt handout could well be used up for father's hospital care. And unsure if their father could work enough again after his treatment. They might be worse off than before 10000B helicopter money.
  13. Russia Warns the West Against Provoking a Nuclear Power... Another bull*hit from the Poo-tin's old dog. These pea brains better learn such a bluff no longer works.
  14. A part of Thailand getting close to the 1st world? I have heard that Highway Pot Holes have been becoming increasingly common in USA today though.
  15. Looks like Double Impacts. Poor construction in the first place. Then Climatical Change undermining the paved road.
  16. "There is no doubt DTV will be reformed, and likely restricted... ...the government is working to merge immigration databases, a process expected to take most of next year. A review of the non-immigrant visa categories is also underway, which could affect the DTV. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Again from the Empty Pride of Thai Bureaucrats?y Some of them feel unhappy If it is too easy for foreigners to come and stay here longer. When they start to complicate things, matters often go out of their control...
  17. In Thailand, some of the harmless jellyfish is consumed as food. I have seen such dish several times at the local market in Chiang Mai.
  18. Is that eatable kind of jelly fish? I often see jelly fish like food sold by some vendors @Chiang Mai Gate Market in the morning. This image from the internet, but looks pretty close to what I sighted.
  19. In a broad term, Inbound tourism itself is part of the Export Industry. is inbound tourism a kind of export industry? - Google Search As the country sells its labors/services to gain foreign currencies. And the ratio of tourism sector earning is never so small here. Roughly 10% of Thai GDP. Do you remember those flamed anti-government movement during the border blockade during Corona Virus scare April 2020- May 2022? Its cause was mostly from the hardship(poverty ) impacted by the lack of tourism income among common Thai people(reliant on foreign tourists). Hunger of the mass of people often moves people against own regime. 10 million people are said to be hit by that tourism shut down during that C/virus period.
  20. That could be China Impact. Until 2010s, Thailand was expecting the huge flux of Chinese buyers(to their property market). But in July 2017, their communist party started to restrict outbound flow of money. And in recent years, their own property market itself is now in crisis; Huge numbers of luxurious condos are left half-built. Many of them said to be started by the fund illegally borrowed. In China, local governments are not allowed to be involved in property speculation. But they made it possible by using dummy companies for cover-up. they pretended it was done by the private sector.
  21. Walmart phenomenon in Thailand... Already happened in a country like Japan. While their Yen was a lot stronger, their factories left own country. By now, 40% of the manufactures are now outside their home
  22. Thailand might face a shortage of foreign currency reserves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Will it be a kind of good news to the would-be expats and tourists? As their immigration policy could be further relaxed; alien-friendly. As Thailand will be desperate for earning foreign currencies(brough in from outside). Even though kingdom's inflation rate will rise(lower currency value=higher price of imports that cannot be made locally); will be a long-term disadvantage to the people living here, Thais and foreigners alike.
  23. The main question now is what happens to DTV holders after their initial six-month stay, assuming they wish to remain in Thailand... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They probably will If another half year extension is OK. I presume most of those people are from the 1st world where they often suffer steep inflation(rising cost of sustaining basic life) in recent years. Compared to that, Thai inflation is at moderate level(2.3% in August). And with or without current price hikes in the west, overall living cost here is a lot lower(always has been) than back home. So WHY NOT? Unless they experience something horrible during first months of their stay here.
  24. ...in Drunken Dispute: One Knocked Unconscious After Argument Turns Violent Often common cause of deaths as well as drink driving during Songkran period; April 13-15...
  25. Homeless Group Celebrates with 10,000 Baht Wallet Aid, Buys Alcohol Alcohol indulgence could be their worst problem. But they love it. They are probably the Buddhist, but well practicing Christ's words: Love Your Enemy.
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