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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You will be long gone by the time she is 60. Just a faint memory.
  2. I was in a barber shop here which was off the beaten path on a previous trip. The hairdresser had a room which she lived in behind the shop with a younger guy she claimed was her brother. I was the only one in the shop. It appeared she told her brother to leave. She then cut my hair and asked me if I wanted a massage in the back room. I still wasn’t sure what was going on but went along. Then it ended up being a happy massage. She asked me for 1,000. Not sure if it was a free massage and bj with the 1,000 baht haircut. Or a free haircut and massage with the 1,000 baht bj. It was definitely a hair salon, not a massage shop. This place is weird sometimes, but in a good way. Best haircut I ever had.
  3. You sound like a deluded lefty, which makes you as bad as Trump is. Millions of Americans will vote for him as is their democratic right. Why can’t you people just get along? Americans are all about conflict and forcing your often hedious beliefs onto others. A selfish and immature lot. All about “me, me, me”. You don’t know how to share. Your slave labour that got you to where you are is now in the distant past.
  4. You live there so you are a local. You should be ashamed of yourself. That is the problem with the locals there, none of them want to actually pick up the rubbish. Everyone expects somebody else to do it. The result is a filthy mess that has an effect on property prices. it ain’t going to pick itself up.
  5. Your stage 1 and 2 is based on money. Did she stop working at stage 2? How did you meet her?
  6. Probably be a good thing. The USA is too divided. There can only be one. i expect Democrats to win the election. But the gun toting Republicans will win the war.
  7. Imagine if they had all served together. Vietnam would be a state of America.
  8. Well luckily Bob is a lot braver than you. He went out and saved her. He is a legend that Bob.
  9. If it wasn’t for those foot spurs he would have gallantly served and you probably would have won that war with fearless Trump leading the troop into battle against the Communists.
  10. Well I hope you were not gutless and went out and helped her.
  11. Are they breaking any laws Bob? Or are you just bitchin as usual?
  12. Yes, and Cambodian probably didn’t have insurance either.
  13. 40,000 Palestinians have paid the death penalty without trial for crimes on October 7 that most of them were not involved in. And about 100,000 maimed. For the crime in the OP, yeah, why not, punishment fits the crime. Should his wife, mother, children and other family members be killed also? No. Should they bulldoze his house, and that of his neighbors? No
  14. They should have called in the experts from soi 6 to handle that one. They handle snakes in trousers on a daily basis, usually so quickly that the snake doesn’t even see the hand coming, very firm grip, the snake has no chance of escape. Spitting cobras is their specialty and no need for the safety sunglasses either. And masters of sucking the poison out safely.
  15. Yes, Thais are known to use Chinese language when waving knives around. Don’t let the reality get in the way of your opinions. Just keep making it up.
  16. No, the litter you pick up today will be removed forever. Tomorrow you can pick up tomorrow’s litter. or you can live in a dump. Pattaya is one of the dirtiest residential areas in Thailand. It has more farang per sqm than anywhere else in Thailand. You should be doing better.
  17. That seems to be all you care about. Getting likes on social media. Grow up.
  18. Generally speaking only sluts get slut shamed. It appears she may not be the best candidate. Looking to be a very close election. Likely both will claim victory again like the last open they had there.
  19. If someone said that to me I would take it as a compliment.
  20. Stop being racist. They can’t help it. This is the way Trump is. It is his method. Don’t pay, stretch it out, wear them out, then offer 10 cents in the dollar but only if they sign a non disclosure agreement. He has been doing it for decades. It is the same as thieving. But the Americans love the guy. A cult following.
  21. Show some respect. No need for snide remarks. He was on holiday in Thailand. Millions of us overdo it, warm weather makes you thirsty. Something wrong with a few people on this forum. Nasty.
  22. Well that goes against the narrative of Thais will only fight when they outnumber the opposition. It was the Persians throwing the bottles. But the Thais were too quick and dodged those attacks, recovered nicely and got a few solid punches in despite being outnumbered. So once again, the winner is Thailand. They are hard to beat on their home turf.
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