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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. I doubt you will get a straight answer. Ask ten different officers get 10 different answers. But good luck.
  2. They could be anyone’s which is why men won’t take responsibility for them.
  3. Mass shooting in the USA is when four or more people are shot. His figure is correct. Averages more than one per day. This is just more evidence that they are stark raving mad.
  4. Pattaya, baby with fair skin. The unwanted child of a prostitute and a farang sex tourist? Last time I was in Pattaya it seemed about one in five were these mixed race. I feel sorry for them to be honest.
  5. If you ask them in English probably lower. If you use Thai a lot higher.
  6. So you will have pissheads trying to piss in a small container while pissed. It is going to be messy. if you have had a couple you are better off with the breathalyzer that is more likely to show a lower reading. But always carry a bottle of water in the car and rinse your mouth with water before blowing.
  7. The Palestinians produced a lot of it but the Israelis forced them to stop.
  8. If you get lost just pop into an Internet cafe, they will be able to sort you out. Or a video shop. Should be a fun drive with a bar girl giving you favors along the way.
  9. Denied access Lou. if there is anything you need to know about anything at all please feel free to ask me and I will sort you out. I assume you only can follow the English news. The BP also reported it but not as much detail as the thai news. It is the second story down in this link mate. https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/social-and-lifestyle/2869977/condo-thugs-wreak-havoc-fatal-trap-pond-crash-hoax
  10. 100% agree with that Lou. Those drunk drivers who don’t adjust and drive more safely after having a couple of drinks are dangerous. That is why drink driving laws were introduced.
  11. It is incredible that they can say this stuff with a straight face.
  12. Trump will just appeal to anyone who he thinks will vote for him. He has no ideology or moral compass. He is popular because there are tens of millions of fruit cakes there, who don’t base their beliefs on any science. it is fascinating that a country that has come up with so much scientific research has so many nutters, people that can not think past a headline. Maybe it is something in the water? I think Christianity has a lot to do with it, brainwashed the sheeple not to actually think for themselves?
  13. Was is it about Americans specifically that makes them so gullible to lies that can be fact checked? It is the conspiracy theory capital of the world, the only advanced country where the majority believe in the Christian nonsense and the only place that someone like Trump could become President. Whats wrong with you people?
  14. They are stark raving mad. If Trump does win, they will feel empowered. Trump is not stark raving mad but he knows he needs these people on side to win so he will promise them what they want, or at least allude to giving them what they want.
  15. I don’t really understand your post. But it sound sketchy so I will decline.
  16. I have no debt but have friends and family who I have borrowed from when necessary and have lent money to family and friends when they have needed it. Have knocked back requests for loans before if the payback plan didn’t stack up. Lost once to someone who died. Had to seriously threaten two other times to get it repaid. Those two are no longer friends obviously.
  17. I would not want to be locked up over night in a prison cell with a bisexual black sex addict freak. Especially with my white lilly ass. And even more so if I was a younger guy.
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