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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. These appear to be the same security as the British run and operated Nightwish Group headed by Bryan Flowers. There have been many bashings there over the years, including an Australian who was killed. I don’t think by you not going it will hurt the security guards pocket, he will be on a fixed monthly salary. I suspect there is a bit more to this story than the old guy just leaning on a car. As we saw with the last incident down there the Brits were itching for a fight. And they got a lesson in violence. Thais dont go around bashing farangs for no reason.
  2. Not everyone agrees with your woke PC nonsense. Some people can actually think for themselves and are not brainwashed by social media algorithms.
  3. But we do do that. We have people writing in to this forum daily wanting to impose western ways and showing contempt for the Thais, especially the much maligned “thai male”.
  4. In December 2020, there were officially 1,574,324 Burmese migrant workers in Thailand's labour registration system. Two years later, there were 1,981,739. Significantly more are thought to be working unregistered and informally. Looks like he knows what he is talking about. And you don’t have a clue
  5. Or aborigines. Don’t give them a say whatever you do. They might want some rights.
  6. I have to say the visa rules in Thailand are a big plus with many options. Something for everyone. It is not a two way street though, a Thai who wants to visit the UK has to perform backflips through hoops to have a chance of maybe getting a visa after considerable expense and a pile of paperwork. It is very racist.
  7. We nearly need to do more to help immigrants integrate into to society. I have recently immigrated to Thailand and countless kind and helpful Thais have gone out of their way to help me. If I had been racially abused and shunned socially I would likely have a chip on my shoulder. They are very kind the Thai people.
  8. I would say that most Thais do consider the consequences as most Thais are not in prison or killed.
  9. I hope they don’t start deporting us UK sexpats. The girls need us.
  10. So us AN members can speculate. Much more fun this way. I predict she was gang raped by a pack of Burmese having a singalong. Then fell off a balcony. And then shot herself in the head with a gun she bought from a policeman. And was 3 months overstay. Suicide.
  11. Name anywhere on earth where teenagers don’t fight each other.
  12. I don’t have any sympathy for these homeless. They had opportunities like we all did but spent their money on gambling, tattoos, cigarettes, drugs and booze. Us British taxpayers should give them nothing. The more you give them, the more they want.
  13. What are you going to do about it Bob? Apart from complain on AN. Nothing, that’s what.
  14. I doubt it Bob. But I bet you have consumed halal food in the last month. Having a problem about someone else’s diet is pretty pathetic, childish, like vegans who mouth off about meat eaters and vica versa.
  15. Deport them to Germany. Or arrest them and just throw them in the sea. The disrespect to all our soldiers who died fighting the Nazis is reprehensible. The worst type of scum. And do the same with the looters and vandals.
  16. If he was running around stabbing people it sounds he probably picked that behavior up in the UK. Stabbings are all the rage these days.
  17. No wrong. You can say it, nobody will stop you. Say it as much as you want.
  18. I get them on the pill but still use the pull out and facial/swallow method to be doubly sure.
  19. Don’t worry Darl, he says it to everyone who doesn’t agree with his often stupid opinions. Just a troll, don’t feed it.
  20. They just need to put the whores inside and off the streets and have more discreet signage. Then when dad and his sons want to sneak off on his family holiday for an hour or two the wife/mum will not get suspicious. Having all the sluts outside screaming “welcome sexy man I want to f… you” is intimidating for many wives, especially the plus sized ones. It gets their guard up.
  21. Because they wanted you to see it. Some but not enough. I seriously question their true intentions if it came down between a choice
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