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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. I am identifying as a Canadian now.
  2. I thought you said you had yourself a Thai bird??
  3. So are you claiming we do not have a terrible reputation abroad? we can either keep denying it or we can accept the reality and apologize. A real man will apologize.
  4. Sadly you are right. i would like to apologize on behalf of all of us. We have a bad habit of offending locals and annoying tourists from other countries, many of who will never return. i am genuinely sorry.
  5. We are a disgrace. I think I will start telling people I am Canadian, they seem to cause about a one hundredth of the incidents that we do. Nice people, very polite, good manners and know how to behave. They are trying to ban us from parts of Spain at the moment, and I feel it in Phuket also. I think denial is part of the problem as we see on this forum, it isn’t just the Russians we complain about, it is the Thais also. Makes me cringe to be honest.
  6. You are going to get a spray from Richard.
  7. But…. let’s slant it back and blame it on the Thai victims. You have issues.
  8. I knew we would be hearing from our resident Brit apologist. bua loyyyyyy One of my favorites. Desserts And song.
  9. Not anymore. I am full time sexpat, high class of course.
  10. With daily mass shootings, tent cities full of zombies out drug addicts etc I think we can agree that calling the USA a civilized country is a stretch.
  11. Well, the equality feminists are going to be horrified by this revelation. They are not equal at all. The best compromise would be let her play with the men but she can tee off from the ladies tee. But she can get changed in the women’s toilets. We don’t her in the men’s. They are attracted to men.
  12. Yes, happens to me occasionally. Can be a bit embarrassing when I have a lady over. To counter it I usually make sure I urinate just before leaving the bar. And then again when I get home. And then again after I service the young lady. Never happens when I follow that procedure. Good luck.
  13. Pattaya so I am tipping a hooker who has no idea which of her customers might be the dad. seems every second kid in Pattaya is a luuk kreuang. Hundreds of them.
  14. Ah, we have a story about a drunken Brit riding the wrong way down the street causing an accident. And all we get from our resident Brit apologist is a deflection about fellow Brit me. If it had of been a Thai doing this who ran into a Brit we would have a long winded post from you explaining all your theories on what is wrong with Thailand.
  15. Nah, I have heard her speak. And I was in India recently. Most of them are black. They definitely are not yellow or white.
  16. You need to get out more. Baccara is on Pattaya Beach
  17. No mention of drink driving, helmets or thin wheels, but that didn’t stop you guessing that either.
  18. Trumps family come from Germany so no surprises that he admires Hitler. They might be distant relatives.
  19. No surprises that he was going to favor the black candidate.
  20. Thanks for that investigative report. You forgot the sunglasses and dark window tint.
  21. I don’t think those who say that are serious mate. It is just a bit of a wind up joke. Seems like it has gone over your head a bit? That said, parts of Pattaya Beach are stunningly beautiful. My favorite spot would be upstairs at Baccara, nice comfy chairs, air conditioned, draft beer and a lot of topless and nude sun bathing, petite women. I can’t think of a beach better than that that I have been to. Have you been there?
  22. It has the highest percentage of farangs and the most amount of trash and litter per sqm in Thailand. You would like it would be the other way around. Anutin would not be surprised. I call on all Pattaya farangs get your ass of the barstools for a couple of hours and give the place a tidy up. You are a disgrace.
  23. Yes, 6kg wouldn’t even touch the sides.

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