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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. You have always seemed gullible to me. Now you have proven it. If he really is going out today it will just be point scoring and annoying the locals who have better things to do. Funnily enough you both always claim you are leaving with an endless list of grievances about Thailand and Thais. But you never seem to actually go.
  2. A lot of the porn actors are very well hung so make sure you use plenty of lube otherwise it is going to hurt like buggery.
  3. He was probably poor. i don’t see it much in Phuket but I was surprised how many poor farangs I came across in Pattaya. I went to a slum condo that was filthy, worn down but many farangs living there. i don’t think Thais care, they are used to seeing poor people
  4. I don’t think you will have to pretend too much.
  5. Where did you meet your wife? Is she educated? Must be hard.
  6. A sad obsession. Despite his claims he is really just lonely. He never really made it here and suffers a lot of bitterness.
  7. I think Bobs problem is he thinks Thais sit around all day thinking and talking about foreigners. They don’t. At all. Doesn’t really interest them. Especially not the way Bob obsesses about Thais. Amazingly most don’t even know which countries the different farangs they might know even come from. or where that country might be on a map. They have better thing to think about than Bob.
  8. Laziness. It isn’t rocket science. 4 year olds can do it.
  9. Whenever you are presented with facts and proven wrong, which is often, you revert to calling the person a troll. It is very obvious, like a three year old trying to tell lies.
  10. His grandkids are Jewish, even if they were not he wouldn’t want to be seen siding with Muslims which would turn off his base of blood thirsty gun toting Christians.
  11. Latest photos show his ear is completely healed. So unlikely a gun shot wound as he claimed. More likely scratched himself as he ducked for cover. Gun shot wound is about as believable as his foot spurs to avoid serving for his country.
  12. The Trump haters will pile on Trump no matter what he says. I don’t like him, but he is fairly consistent when it comes to being anti war. It is one of his positives. Personally I couldn’t care less about them. Both sides have valid and invalid points. I shed no tears.
  13. Don’t listen to the jealous fools on here. Get her to finish the law degree. Herpes is for life but after a few years you won’t get any scabby flare ups, no big deal. Better that she gets at least a part time job in my opinion.
  14. Just because none of us can get a girl for free doesn’t mean that other people can’t. The good thing about herpes is you can only catch it once. Ukrainian probably wasn’t circumcised which resulted in the STI.
  15. Yeah how weird. And all the other operations they do on kids with varying issues in dedicated children’s hospitals. i know it triggers the cheesy dick guys that girls prefer a clean dick that can outperform the cheese boys and result in 64% more orgasms for the female.
  16. It is certainly the last cancer I would want. Rarer obviously because 40% of us have done the right thing.
  17. Girls who had the unfortunate bad luck and unsavory experiences with these primitive types have let me know how disgusting it was for them and a huge relief that I was cleaner. I kindly provided the statistics for you, you chose to ignore that. Head down to your local mosque, they will sort you out.
  18. Female circumstances is a completely different thing, unnecessary and no health, beauty or hygiene benefits. The only benefit is that it reduces promiscuity.
  19. ไม่เป็นไรครับ ผม กำลังจะกิน
  20. Hardly mutilation. beautification perhaps, like getting your ears pierced or your tonsils out. And the women love it.
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