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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. USA politicians spend more time immaturely attacking each other with petty name calling than they do explaining policies in detail. It is weird, but pathetic would be a better way to describe it.
  2. Yes fair point but the Muslims that are not extremist do not report to police or even condemn their extremists. so they are not trustworthy so we are better of without them all. Sort of like living in a share house with someone you can not trust to have your back. Better off without them and the far right, and the looney left. And fat women.
  3. OP definitely can read write, read and speak Thai well. Many Thais don’t understand each other. Different areas have different slang, accents etc etc Put a country bumpkin from the Deep South with someone from Issan and many wouldn’t understand each other. Some can not understand Simon. He might speak too well for some of the more simpler Thais.
  4. Back in the UK I have friends who are far right racists and some who are Muslim. But if the far right and Muslims were to wipe each other out I think it would be a good thing for the UK in general. i wouldn’t miss them.
  5. Where are you? Here? You are missing the point that this incident was not part of an evil plan of a terrorist cell. Just an idiot kid like the Trump shooter. The right have a point about some attacks by Muslims in the UK. But this is not one of them. Some of these idiots are that dumb they don’t even know what country they are in.
  6. I am sure there would be more than one, we are a fairly racist country. Immigrants cop a lot of casual racism from some of us, it usually is not nasty, but it is underlying.
  7. prepping for the chaos!! Simpletons like Bob, are there are millions of them, fall for this sort of clickbait. They convince themselves that it is true. Tragically for Bob, he has been brainwashed to an extent that he is convinced that the Thais also feel this way about Bob and that is why most of his topics are either about his imagined superiority over the Thais, the racism they must have towards immigrants because that is what he thinks everyone thinks or his paranoia that the Thais are all plotting against him. we would all be better off without these click baiters trying to make money from the simpletons. Social media really is a toxic thing for us all, even if you don’t fall for it personally, unfortunately you will be surrounded by these idiots. These rioters are a classic example of this large subgroup. Instead of them seeing that it was just a weirdo mentally unstable British born child, they are all living in fear of a Muslim plot which this incident is a part of.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/16/they-yelled-coronavirus-first-british-attack-victim-east-asian-man In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Thais can seek help from Thai embassies wherever they are, if they were involved in a similar incident.
  9. They have delivery these days Fred.
  10. Unlike you I don’t have a Brit ex wife who left me and tools my assets. I am sure yours is still pining over her loss.
  11. Yes, and they buy houses for the prostitutes. I betcha none of our Muslim Brits are prepared to go that far.
  12. You have the choice to live amongst white trash or in immigrant ghettos who refuse to assimilate with the white trash and their drunken, loutish yob behavior. Society has been dumbed down with social media and everyone glued to their phones. The more time I spend amongst Thai women the more I realize how thuggish and entitled British women are. They are a rabid pack of drunken animals, so it doesn’t surprise me that immigrants don’t want to be like us. I admire how the Thais in the south with the high numbers of Muslims seem to just get on with life without all the hatred and drama. It would be nice us white trash Brits could do the same, but it has got to the point that such acceptance is not socially acceptable. Obviously the Deep South is a bit different, but seems to more about who was here first rather than the religious nonsense.
  13. Ordinary British citizens destroying and looting from other ordinary British citizens. Makes a lot of sense.
  14. They should be throwing a few of these right wing nutters in the asylum with him. Wilful damage to hard working owners of businesses and looting is a disgrace. How is that helping the immigrant “problem”. The fact is these Muslim immigrants are a lot better behaved than the drunken yobs generally speaking. They are only tough when in large groups throwing bricks at policewomen.
  15. Glad I left that s41thole behind. An immigrant ghetto with a lot of scum who show no respect to our “culture” which is being showcased in all its glory by these pro-white anti immigration rioters half of who are walking around drinking alcohol. It is a class act all round. Burn to the ground and start again.
  16. I have only started learning in the last three months so it happens more often than not. it is my fault, not theirs, so will it might be a little frustrating for me I am not annoyed by the helpful Thai people. Putting on your constipated face really won’t help here, they will just think you are another farang idiot.
  17. All the English speaking white majority countries make it hard for Thais. And anyone who isn’t white. in the UK we have big demonstrations against immigration. Thousands “marching” in the streets. For Trump supporters in the USA immigration is the biggest issue. The general narrative is if immigrants are farang they are ok. Because they assimilate well. Non Christians are also shunned. Thais are brown Asian Buddhists. Back of the queue.
  18. I regret not moving here 20 years earlier. The longer I am here the more I realize how many years I wasted in the UK at the pub surrounded by whining negative people and fat women.
  19. Strange people these deniers. But they are in for a lifetime of frustration as the scientists and silent majority are moving on without them. There is nothing they can do except moan.
  20. Maybe we could do a fundraiser on this forum to get him back on the road? I am in.
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