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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Ralf is a survivor. probabaly a 70-80s kid. we were a lot tougher than the phone addicted, mentally weak western snowflakes of today. Much like the Thais of today.
  2. I think I nailed it. you have no brothers and a sister or two.
  3. Who is Buzzin? Looking at him I don’t feel one bit of jealousy, I don’t really see him as successful, just talks as if he is like a lot of YouTubers do.
  4. For what? He comes across as a bit autistic to be honest.
  5. When I read your comments I think of someone being bullied badly. From their sisters. I think having brothers makes you stronger also.
  6. Overall I have had a blessed life, so no complaints.
  7. I was physically bullied by two kids that I can remember. One older, one a lot bigger. The older one got murdered in his 30s. I really think I benefitted from it in a way. a girlfriend cheating on you is another painful life experience that makes you stronger also in my opinion.
  8. Yes I said I was ashamed. They were both more intelligent than me. Most of my class was. I just looked them up but couldn’t find anything. Fatty is probably dead.
  9. Bullying is not only physical. I don’t think I was naturally a bully, but there is peer pressure to join in. And the majority of us did. seems once again I am the only one honest enough here to put my hand up and admit it, so the AN PC bullies will be on to me.
  10. We had a massively fat kid with a fatter mum and a really dorky kid like the Trump shooter. They were drawn together probably by the bullying. i didn’t cop it anything like those two. I am ashamed of what was done to them. I wonder how they ended up.
  11. The Germans and Japanese to sexual perversion to the next level. No wonder they teamed up in WW2, imagine some of the depravity they got up to with their female prisoners.
  12. Full of himself too. somewher it said his wife had been locked up. Not sure if it is true.
  13. Must have been a big car by the look of that mat. RIP Ruimin
  14. I have noticed Thais are quite pushy when it comes to personal hygiene. They always make me have a shower before bed even if I have already had one in the morning or been swimming in the pool. It over the top.
  15. I wonder if his finger can give my prostate a massage.
  16. The USA only believes in capitalism and free trade when it suits them. Japanese car companies going broke, who cares. They both had a good run, now it is Chinas turn.
  17. Hard to chose which one I would bar fine but I think I would go with the judges decision.
  18. Simple people, reality TV and YouTubers/influencers and religion.
  19. They are a great improvement especially after having kids suck the life out of them. But, and it is a big butt, they have to be replaced every ten years or so. So ask her if she is prepared to get them redone when she is 40,50,60,70,80 and 90. if she does get them make sure she goes a bit bigger than what she thinks she wants, they always want bigger.
  20. I do care about people who get injured and die because of DUI which is why I drive very safely after a few beers and not like a reckless drunken idiot. Bullying is a terrible thing and I can admit I am ashamed of some of the stuff we did at school, but kids don’t have those filters and that it is why it happens and it does make you stronger. I was bullied and I was a bully, I think most people would be in that category but most won’t admit that of course. I have been bullied a lot since joining this forum, seemingly I am the only one honest enough to put up my hand to DUI, but it is water off a ducks back, partly due to being bullied myself. Gives you a thicker skin.
  21. Just did that. He makes himself out to be a lovely guy who recruits young dumb girls into the hooker life to “help” them. Hard to tell if he is delusional or just has a weird sense of humor.

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