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Everything posted by TedG

  1. it’s 200 billion well spent to degrage Russia.
  2. When you say not willing to protection their interests. You mean the US tax payer needs to keep on paying to defend depend the Euro zone. Why can’t the Euro’s defend theselves?
  3. Show me were that right exists in the US Consitution.
  4. Trump has deprived 50% of the people the right to vote? Really?
  5. I miss the signs on the walking street.
  6. That would be Russia. Russia went in and destroyed much of the infrastructure. The United States, United Kingdom, China, Pakistan, and Iran armed the Afghan mujahideen in their fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
  7. Does Trump have unlimited power?
  8. Here are some of Trump's deeds against Russia. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/on-the-record-the-u-s-administrations-actions-on-russia/ When the Wager Group attacked the US soldiers in Syria in 2019. https://thewarhorse.org/special-forces-soldiers-reveal-first-details-of-battle-with-russian-mercenaries-in-syria/
  9. It's about time Europe handed their defense.
  10. Counties joined NATO because they didn't want anything to do with Russia. They seek protection from Russia, and the invasion Ukraine shows they made the correct decision.
  11. Russia agreed to respect Ukraine’s borders This shows that you can’t trust a Russian.
  12. You would figure the Euro zone would take the lead on solving this war.
  13. The lefties are rooting for inflation.
  14. Did’nt Clinton tell us the servcie ecomony was going to be great?
  15. I have no idea that you are talking about.
  16. Your post is typical of the brain dead left. When you lefites lose an election you cry like babies and the world is going to end
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