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Everything posted by TedG

  1. Name a state that does not get federal assistance.
  2. That’s all you post.
  3. You scored.
  4. Here is an intersting video on the topic.
  5. Says the person who called people trash. FU. You are nothing but a low information leftie.
  6. Why do you call them Trump trash? All that tells me is you are a low information leftie.
  7. May I introduce to you the 11 million illegals in the USA.
  8. The dems do excel at bring the outrage machine into action.
  9. Do you disagree these counties have horrible goverments?
  10. There are some norms that need to be rewriten Like the one where the USA defends the fleckless Europeans.
  11. Russia, China, Iran and the DPRK have horrible goverments. They self demonize.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 29 seconds  
  13. An intelligent person who claims to be smarter than a turnip should recognize lawfare.
  14. I'll wager that I'm much more intelligent than you.
  15. R-squared: 0.074 (indicating weak explanatory power of vaccination rate on relative change in cases). This is weak sauce. Which is how the anti vax crowd rolls.
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