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Everything posted by TedG

  1. I don't give a damn if you have been groped. It's inappropriate for males to slap a random woman's ass in public.
  2. The central planners want the middle class to live in Soviet-style block housing.
  3. I wish Putin would turn off the gas. This would doom the Russian economy.
  4. I can buy a lot of rubles with the spare change in my pocket.
  5. Please kick the USA out of NATO, and remove all the US bases from Europe. Please, please, Please.
  6. Deinstitutionalization The civil rights and civil liberties movements of the 1960s led to the release of long-term psychiatric patients from state hospitals. Many of these patients ended up living on the streets without adequate support
  7. Yes, it’s aways best to get your news from a comedy show.
  8. Maybe that the reason the USA blows the doors off the rest of the G20.
  9. It’s a fact. Spending is about 22 percent of the GPD. When was the last time the government collected over 20 percent of the GDP in revenue?
  10. As fires destroy parts of LA, California lawmakers start special session to prepare for Donald Trump California lawmakers in Sacramento officially began a special legislative session to prepare the state for President-elect Donald Trump. Thursday marked the first regular floor session for state lawmakers since the fires began. Those fires are expected to leave Southern California with one of, if not the, most expensive catastrophes in U.S. History. The damage also raises questions about California's future with the property insurance market, which has been hesitant or refusing to insure residents living in disaster prone parts of the state. https://www.kcra.com/article/california-special-session-trump-proof-wildfires/63384738 ======= This is where the dems in CA are at.
  11. How much does that yield? The fact is, the Democrats built a government that we can't afford.
  12. Ditto. You need to prove this mess in CA was caused by climate change. What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
  13. That's a good thing to brag about right now.
  14. That's five trillion over 10 years, which is 500 billion annually. The current deficit is running close to two trillion. Something needs to be cut.
  15. If Russia had taken Ukraine, Putin would have set his sights on the Baltic states.
  16. @Jingthing Democrats blame the L.A. blazes on the changing climate, which is a convenient excuse as citizens rage against the failures of state and local government. The evidence doesn’t support the climate explanation since (among other reasons) California has had a dry climate and Santa Ana winds, even with hurricane-force gusts on occasion, for centuries. If the Democrats who run the state believe their own advertising, why not spend money in useful ways rather than on a green-energy transition to nowhere? The Governor’s budget last year included $2.6 billion for “forest and wildfire resilience”—far less than the $14.7 billion provisioned for zero-emission vehicles and its “clean energy” transition. California’s $100 billion bullet train and offshore wind turbines will do nothing to prevent fires or protect communities. Rooftop solar subsidies are no consolation for people who lose their homes. https://www.wsj.com/opinion/california-los-angeles-fires-democrats-climate-policy-emissions-water-storage-d95e4da5?mod=hp_opin_pos_0
  17. It has everything to do with the incompetence of the leaders in California.
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