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Everything posted by TedG

  1. That's a good thing to brag about right now.
  2. That's five trillion over 10 years, which is 500 billion annually. The current deficit is running close to two trillion. Something needs to be cut.
  3. If Russia had taken Ukraine, Putin would have set his sights on the Baltic states.
  4. @Jingthing Democrats blame the L.A. blazes on the changing climate, which is a convenient excuse as citizens rage against the failures of state and local government. The evidence doesn’t support the climate explanation since (among other reasons) California has had a dry climate and Santa Ana winds, even with hurricane-force gusts on occasion, for centuries. If the Democrats who run the state believe their own advertising, why not spend money in useful ways rather than on a green-energy transition to nowhere? The Governor’s budget last year included $2.6 billion for “forest and wildfire resilience”—far less than the $14.7 billion provisioned for zero-emission vehicles and its “clean energy” transition. California’s $100 billion bullet train and offshore wind turbines will do nothing to prevent fires or protect communities. Rooftop solar subsidies are no consolation for people who lose their homes. https://www.wsj.com/opinion/california-los-angeles-fires-democrats-climate-policy-emissions-water-storage-d95e4da5?mod=hp_opin_pos_0
  5. It has everything to do with the incompetence of the leaders in California.
  6. Six years ago, So Cal had a significant fire and learned nothing. Here we go again.
  7. I was in Pattaya last week and walked down Beach Road. Someone should level all the old bars and buildings on Beach Road and rebuild, but that would require serious investment.
  8. The goal at the start was for Putin to make Ukraine a vassal state. He failed.
  9. What is your definition of freedom?
  10. The Democrats do ruin everything, especially the progressives. They are like a plague of locusts destroying everything on their path.
  11. For 2025, Russia will spend 40% of the national budget on the war. How is that good for the economy?
  12. They need to stop building houses in these fire-prone areas. Or build more fire-resistant homes. These houses are burning down due to the embers storms. https://youtu.be/bWtYtqADmqU?si=YHzNg17IZUMSPmBn
  13. Why would anyone want to visit Russia. Also, what is wrong with the Western narrative?
  14. Russia's Central Bank raised its policy rate by 200 basis points to 21% in October 2024, as the soaring demand led by wage increases pushed inflation above the target. The annual inflation was at 9.5% as of late December last year, and the bank aims to reach 4% inflation by the end of 2026. The citizens of Russia can look forward to 4% inflation by the end of 2026. The CPI in Jan 2022 was 209.2 The CPI in Nov 2024 was 269.3 The total inflation from Jan 2022 to Nov 2024 is 269.3 - 209.2 =60.1 60.1/209.2 =0.287 or 28.7% inflation from Jan 2022 to Nov 2024. Ouch. https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/consumer-price-index-cpi
  15. What is the goal of the war now?
  16. The West is correct. Russia has set back their economy for decades.
  17. NATO would crush Russia like a bug they were to ever get involved militarily.
  18. This is the weirdest threat yet.
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