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Everything posted by TedG

  1. The fed lowered the rate of inflation via interest rate hikes. The high rates were put in place to combat Biden’s inflationary policies.
  2. You support candidates who bring forth inflationary polices.
  3. Putin wanted to end the war for now. Then rebuilt and try again.
  4. I think Russia is running on fumes.
  5. The ability to express yourself without government interference is a feature.
  6. Biden decided he wanted to be FDR and piled on more spending right after the COVID spending binge. In 2022 Biden had a never record level of revenue (19% of the GDP) and the deficit was $1.4 trillion. The gerontocracy is leaving behind a mound of debt that will wreck the future.
  7. That was one of the dumbest posts I’ve seen on this site.
  8. You need to toss in the dems. They controlled the House and Senate.
  9. No, that’s not it.
  10. The fact is, Joe Biden's policies pushed inflation.
  11. The US had demand inflation. Europe saw inflation via Energy prices. While the European and US inflation situations mirror each other to a certain extent, a key difference according to experts is that European inflation has been largely influenced by energy prices, whereas in the US, surging demand backed by a booming economy has pushed prices back up. https://www.dw.com/en/beating-inflation-how-do-europe-and-the-us-compare/a-68976653#:~:text=While the European and US,has pushed prices back up.
  12. The formula used to calculate COLA utilizes an average of the CPI-W from the third quarter of the current year (A) and the third quarter of the previous year (B). The formula is (A-B) / B * 100 = I. CPI-W https://www.bls.gov/regions/mid-atlantic/data/consumerpriceindexhistorical1967base_us_table.htm Avg 2022 = 869.483 Avg 2023 = 879.29 879.29 - 869.483 = 27.807. 27.807/869.483 = 3.191%
  13. https://aseannow.com/profile/372850-roo-island/
  14. Joe Biden is more responsible for high inflation than for abundant jobs The main effect of the president’s economic policies has been to boost prices Mr Biden’s stimulus did, however, put a rocket under inflation. In April “core” consumer prices, which exclude energy and food, were 13.4% higher than when he came to office. They have risen more than in other g7 countries, and their acceleration coincided with the introduction of Mr Biden’s stimulus. Research suggests that, even by September 2022, the largesse was pushing up core inflation by about four percentage points. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/05/11/joe-biden-is-more-responsible-for-high-inflation-than-for-abundant-jobs
  15. The news outlets tried to cover up for Joe Biden.
  16. Russia did not hack the vote count.
  17. The rate is now 2.9%. Since Jan 2021, the cumulative impact of JoeFlation is 20.84%. Jan 2021 760.447 July 2024 918.931 918.931-760.447 = 158.484 158.484/760.447 = 20.84% https://www.bls.gov/regions/mid-atlantic/data/consumerpriceindexhistorical1967base_us_table.htm The impacts of JoeFlation cast a wide net. Higher interest rates increase the cost of servicing the nation's debt. The projections range between $800 billion and $1 trillion. The CPI-W calculation adjusts the cost of living increases for Social Security. This means SS costs more and adds more deficit. Higher interest rates increase the costs of buying a home. You voted for this mess.
  18. Here's Why Americans Have Always Been Divided “America has always been divided. I think the myth of a unified country is a myth… American beliefs have been contested ground from the start,” Gitlin says. “I mean, pick a moment in history when we have always not been deeply divided.” https://www.voanews.com/a/usa_all-about-america_heres-why-americans-have-always-been-divided/6192138.html
  19. Here is an unreported fact Two out of three Democrats also claim Russia tampered with vote tallies on Election Day to help the President – something for which there has been no credible evidence. https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/20383-russias-impact-election-seen-through-partisan-eyes
  20. Name a Democrat who does not lie.
  21. You're more of a nazi.
  22. Would you be able to talk about a topic in depth?
  23. One of my favorite college courses was sampling theory. Nice post.
  24. Do you have any evidence to disprove it?
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