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Everything posted by TedG

  1. In WW2 there was a goal. The uncondititonal surrendar of Japan and Germany. Ukaine lacks the man power to remove Russian from Ukaine. Like I asked before. What is the end game. Maybe Macron should put boots on the gound in Ukaine.
  2. There are lots of virtual signaling lefties here who stand with Ukraine as long they don't have to do anything. After three years, you people see that Russia is not leaving unless they are forced to leave, which means boots on the ground from other countries.
  3. Why should the USA fund the war effort
  4. This is a European war. Lets see Europe step up for a change. Let them put boots on the ground.
  5. And, who is willing to do that?
  6. What is end game. Which county is willing to send troops to Ukraine to expel Russia?
  7. Is the .AU going to put boots on the gound in Ukraine?
  8. Is that grandstanding member of congess willing to put on boots and fight for Ukraine?
  9. What is the end game for this war? What is the plan to expel Russian from Ukriane?
  10. What is the end game?
  11. It took a huge war to stop Hitler. Are the people of Europe willing to put boots on the gound in Ukraine to expel the Russians?
  12. It will be a great day to see Gerany pulling its own weight for a change.
  13. This is why you wear a seatbelt.
  14. In the 1980s, the SS payroll tax was increased from 10.16% to 12.4%. It's time to increase the rate again. Since the ratio of people paying to people receiving SS in 2024 is 2.7:1, the longer Congress waits, the worse the problem. Congess is not forward-looking. We need a POTUS who speaks out about these issues.
  15. It can be said. The trust fund is nothing but IOUs. This means the federal government makes up the difference via more debt or from the general fund.
  16. This started in 2010. It's been over 14 years, and Congress has not addressed this problem. https://www.pgpf.org/article/lawmakers-are-running-out-of-time-to-fix-social-security/
  17. As of August, 5.3 percent of US workers held multiple jobs, according to Labor Department figures.
  18. There is plenty of of proof. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/12/un-report-details-summary-executions-civilians-russian-troops-northern https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/crime-scene-bucha/ The Russian army is the army of Attila the Hun.
  19. You’re a denier. There are photos of civilians with thier hands tied behind their back who were shot in the head by Russians.
  20. There is plenty of evdeince of the war crimes commited in Bucha. You are a denier at this point.
  21. The only peole who call Trump a dictator are the brain dead leftists.
  22. Who will give these security guarantees?
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