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Rob Browder

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Everything posted by Rob Browder

  1. I am outraged we don't have any MSM on the side of the American People AT ALL. Both fake-sides agree on all the most harmful policies, and serve the same billionaire-class who have no allegiance to our country and its people.
  2. It's one border crossing only. Others in the area and elsewhere are not doing this.
  3. A bank-statement has NEVER been accepted in lieu of the cash. Further context - this was always just a ruse to deny entry to frequent visitors not paying their agents for "easy entry." When travelers started carrying the cash, the IOs generally stopped asking for this - just put a rejection-stamp in passports saying "didn't have the money," even though it was a lie. I would have the 20K worth of Cash, regardless - plus proof of accommodation and a flight out within 60-days.
  4. If / When any entry-point begins restricting visa-exempt, we will see reports here. Thus far, I have seen no reports of Laos imposing such a limit. I have seen ONE report of ONE Laos border imposing a "night out" rule. This could be to prompt an "arrangement" with visa-run companies for a "deal" of some sort (as Ban Pakkard has arranged) - or, possibly due to a payoff from the Laos side from hotels/restaurants, etc. Just follow the money, and the pattern is easy to recognize.
  5. His neighbors told the cops to get rid of him for them, so they dug up an antiquated law to use for convenience.
  6. If they are not working here illegally, and spending their money here, they should be welcomed. Note that most of the ones who ARE working illegally are from neighboring countries, and don't have these problems. There was never a "2x per-year" rule for them. I'm waiting to find out there is an agent-fix coming for that entry-point - a way to force the shuttle-vans to charge more for the extra-fee, then pass along the loot, like is done now with the vans to Cambodia.
  7. The way it works, once you have the DTV, you can leave the country for 1-day every 180 days, and return. The only question is whether some entry-points will start pushing people to pay through their "agents" to re-enter without problems.
  8. Members of the ruling coalition are making public justifications for criminal behavior. It is reported in the press there, because not everyone in Israel agrees with what their government is doing. It is also reported, and condemned, in the USA by people of the same ethnic-background. This why I do not lump all people of an ethnic-group into one box. Ironically, those who claim to be defenders of Israel are the ones pretending it's people, and members of the same group world-wide, are some sort of monolith. Nothing could be further from the truth. Civilian casualties in a fire-fight, where un-uniformed enemy-combatants, aka "partisans," are firing at military-forces from a crowd is one thing. Cold-blooded actions, taken out of revenge, upon those who are not currently a threat are something else, and rightly condemned, historically. We will see if the judicial proceedings go anywhere. If history is predictive, a slap on the wrist at most. But, I would like to be proven wrong.
  9. Yes, but with the DTV, that seems a foolish waste of cash. If not qualified by online-employment, one can pay for a "soft power" option easily, with a tiny fraction of what the Elite requires.
  10. Not being grifted-upon. Why did you use the word "babble"? Can't make a point without an insult? So, you hope more Thais cannot get decent jobs, by forcing more foreigners away to other countries. I like Thais, so do not share your ill-will towards them, nor those who like living here. I am on annual extensions of stay, for years now, btw. Much "cheaper" than Visa-Runs, so I guess that makes me a "bad person," in your view - living in some strange reality where throwing money around carelessly is a virtue. On the contrary, they hope we stay as long as possible and keep spending.
  11. A flight out of Thailand (does not have to be "return") is likely needed to board your plane. If you are questioned upon-entry, it also helps with that process - and proof of where you will stay could also be demonstrated, as well as 20K Baht worth of cash to show. How likely you are to be questioned at all depends on how much time you spend in Thailand and how often.
  12. In general, there is public-transport and often cars for hire, out of any of border crossing - so, yes, no need to stay at the border-town.
  13. No, I read the Israeli press reports, primarily - and have seen videos the IDF release, themselves - bragging about the things they are doing. It is apparently not permitted to report here, what anyone can read in Ha'aretz and other Israeli sources, but it is no secret to those not in a "curated" bubble. See also the shocking polls of approval of such behavior by the local-public there, who are not sheltered from the horrifying truth. I suggest you stop relying on Western MSM sources, and read what they publish / post in Israel.
  14. Regarding history, you might want to look into the split among Jewish Americans during the Civil War; they were on both sides of that conflict and with regard to slavery-policy, which was only one of many factors in that war. Recall that slavery was "normal" around the world, until European nations began to ban the practice - carrying that policy world-wide. Returning to the present, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the political players in both parties. You will not find any evidence of "antisemitism" in either branch - not in staffing, think-tanks (R or D flavors), etc. In both major parties, and from libertarians to communists, there is no "antisemitism" evident. There are tiny elements in the far right which are antisemitic, though they don't influence Republican policy. On the Left, you should investigate who organized and funded Antifa (both historically in Germany, and recently in the USA) - you might be surprised. Historical facts are not "anti-group" anything - they are just the "who, what, when, and why" of understanding history.
  15. Yes, if only Israel hadn't invaded Lebanon, instigated that civil war. And, if only the USA hadn't backed their play, resulting in the death of US Marines who never should have been in that war-zone in the first place. Reagan subsequently withdrew. Now they are trying to suck us in again - this time, to attack Iran. I don't have any investments / interests in the Middle-East - nor do 98% of Americans. This should NOT Our Problem. And, the CIA should have never overthrown the democratically-elected govt of Iran in the 50s - see "Operation Ajax," now declassified - which started that bad-blood - as a favor to British Petroleum and Exxon.
  16. Nevermind why - TiT is always the answer to such questions. I laminated mine, as it was starting to fall apart.
  17. Sounds like it was pushed back down to a subordinate. I would expect another request for more documents - but who knows.
  18. When did Bibi agree to ANY cease-fire proposal? Every time the other side agrees, he adds more conditions to prevent an agreement. Then, he assassinated the negotiator for the other side. The Palestinians have no "partner for peace" since PM Rabin was killed by a member of the Israeli right-wing, for trying to bring about a permanent settlement (Oslo process) - after being bashed by the Likud Party, et-al. Even Trump admitted, in an interview some years back, that Bibi did not want a settlement.
  19. With either of those visas - or even if staying on visa-exempt entries - over 180 days = taxable. A work permit does not affect this - is only used for working "In Thailand" / for a Thai company. I see no reason anyone would by an Elite visa, any more - is a huge chunk of money, and there are many better options. The DTV is a good choice - gives you 5 years to consider options, and see what happens. I would start by checking the double-tax agreement, if exists, between your country and Thailand, to see if you would owe anything here, after paying your taxes there. Also consider there are personal-deductions here - so a small amount of income is not taxable. If you do owe taxes here, then you would apply for a Tax ID. If you set up a savings account here, you will receive interest (not much), which is tax-deducted, and can apply simply to get a refund on that.
  20. On the contrary, many on the Left have long acknowledged the fact that our govt is run by-and-for special interests, who install their own players in govt = "the deep state." The left-grassroots recognized this LONG before the current Trump-supporter types picked it up. I despise the "MAGA" excuse-makers for Trump. He broke all his promises, which could have improved life for working-folks and ended the forever-wars. He should have been shunned for this - but they cheer for their "face" vs the "heel" as if it is a WWF show. The "Orange Man Bad" types on the other side are also ignorant, as evidenced by their also-incorrect claims about Trump. Try asking members of either group about easily verifiable facts, and they will just repeat a bunch of lying talking-points from "their side."
  21. Nice try. Anyone who doesn't support the actions of a nation-state "hate" the majority ethnic-group who live in it? You can't argue the facts, so go for the race-smear. Typical. Nevermind how many of the demonstrators happen to be Jewish. Israel's actions are "terrorist" in nature - further bolstered by members of the ruling coalition publicly justifying the anal rape of prisoners.
  22. There are many agents in Bangkok who just do "hand holding" - no money-skipping - and others who do it all. Those doing retirement-based extensions starting from a Non-OA Visa entry have the same 400K min-limit year-round, and also must buy health-insurance. Those on an initial Non-O visa do not. I have never seen anything written by immigration saying the 400K-minimum requirement was related to health insurance. The changes to the financials which required the 800K to remain in the bank for 3 months AFTER the extension is granted, the 400K minimum year-round, and shutting down income-letters for many foreign-nationals, were to increase agent-revenue - nothing more.
  23. Based on my experience at CW, those with agents walk in, their agent texts someone, they walk to a booth (no queue), walk back out ~1-minute later, and that's it. My experience, not using an agent, was more cumbersome. That difference is one reason folks would use agents.
  24. As you have no recent long-stay history in Thailand, the choice of border-crossing is mostly irrelevant - though I would avoid the Poipet/Aranyaprathet border from Cambodia, as they are generally unhelpful. Your decision to come via a land-border is wise - just in case of issues. In general, you could be asked to show a flight-out (to anywhere) within the permitted-stay given, a hotel-booking (can be just a few-days), and 20K baht worth of cash (in any convertible-currency). They generally only ask this of people with recent longer-stay histories - but maybe your old-ban could flag you for this treatment. What DOES matter, is that the immigration database does not flag you as banned. All entry points will deny-entry for this. Hopefully, your lawyer is correct, in which case you will be fine. I recall old reports of banned-status not being revoked after the ban-period had passed, but they have apparently / hopefully updated this in your case.
  25. You may not be able to obtain a Non-O in Thailand with the letter, but I do not see why you could not obtain a 1-year extension, which is a separate process. I would come to Thailand with a 90-day, Non-O Visa based on retirement (not the Non-OA 1-year), if possible. If that is not available at the Thai consulate in your home-country, then I would get it in Savannakhet Laos, as others have reported. In this thread, a fellow used an income letter to get a 1-year Multiple-Entry Non-O based on retirement there. In your case, you would only need the single-entry - then apply for the 1-year extension at immigration in Thailand.
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