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Everything posted by IsaanExpat

  1. Can confirm
  2. South Carolina is way way hotter than Thailand. Especially when working in a steel fab shop. Much prefer the heat over the cold, cold actually hurts my body physically.... Will do just fine with electric bills as I plan to install solar and battery bank🤣
  3. You want to be correct so badly you blindly ignore facts tough ol' keyboard warrior.
  4. Patently False. Lincoln was alive when it passed both the House and Senate. It wasn't Ratified by the necessary amount of States until nearly a year after his death. Don't spread misinformation just to justify your "feelings". A simple Google search would have informed you. It's a Thread about Music.
  5. Last one for today....it's a neat and jaunty little tune....
  6. Warren Zevon was another great Lyricist. I watched the VH1 special of his last album when he was dying of Asbestos induced Lung Cancer, real tear jerker that was....
  7. For our Aussie friends out there. Bonn Scott era is the only AC/DC I'll listen to.
  8. Jeff Lynne is a great songwriter, I hope he pulls a Bowie and makes one last great Album before he leaves us
  9. This guy just made one good song and still lives off the money😅
  10. David Gilmour is still one of the greatest Guitarists of all time though
  11. https://youtu.be/iUAYeN3Rp2E?si=fzg2cBj2NhvUbYxC However, Terry Kath would give ol' Mark a run for his money had he not died so young....
  12. I councur... https://youtu.be/wTP2RUD_cL0?si=Dlv9WaaY3-45nByb
  13. Ok. I'll end it here for today, but this Thread shall never die now ye poor souls😅
  14. Tim Blake Nelson has a honky tonk angels' voice 😁
  15. Pandoras Box has been opened....
  16. Honestly, he'll make a man wet
  17. We can do this all day. Love good music.
  18. Warhammer 40k miniature painting. It is very relaxing. I love the Lore and the painting, don't much care for the Tabletop gaming aspect.
  19. Udon Thani Not really a Tourist area so much as us Expats who've settled down with our partners. It's got everything I need and English is becoming more common among the younger locals.
  20. No sir, I Keep it Simple Stupid with the deviled eggs. Yolk, mustard, mayo and paprika. Thrown in the fridge for an hour to set and eat till full😁
  21. Yeah that's a Thai Ladys way of telling you Thai food is the only Food as far as she's concerned🤣 I.m.o. of course Hopefully my idea will pan out. I haven't got a huge list(or a Menu as it were) of American style foods. I think that's a great way to have loads of food waste that drains the bank account. I'm looking to keep it simple. Less than 5 items as a menu. Not really a sit down place so much as a Plate Lunch style like the Hawaiians kind of perfected. Keep costs down, food moving through the conveyor belt style of place. And enough Thai items priced at local prices to not have people turned off by the expense. I really appreciate all you posters who took the time by the way🫡
  22. Dude, get you a slice of mature bamboo and make your own bong!
  23. How is your Journey coming along OP? Just checking in on you👍
  24. Severe ADHD, as a Stimulant Cannabis actually has the affect of calming my brain down. I have Insomnia, so it helps my head to wind down enough to sleep. I also use it for pain management. I don't eat it, it processes differently in the Liver and I'm not looking for that "high". I don't use vaping either. I prefer Indica strains with higher amounts of CBD, the newer strains have way too much THC for me, it makes me paranoid 9 times out of 10. I like the cheap ditch weed, it does what I need it to do and is generally cheaper than the "party strains". I'm hoping to get a medical card when I move back to UT and the wife can grow it for me in our Garden.😁
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