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Everything posted by IsaanExpat

  1. Heck, I turn the radio down when I'm trying to park the car🤣🤣🤣
  2. Probably because Deviled Eggs are so awesome. I taught the wife the receipe, she makes me them often enough she regrets it(egg farts😅)
  3. So strange you should share a story about Potato Salad haha. It's a source of contention between my wife and I. I constantly have to tell her to stop overcooking her potatos, "it's supposed to be Potato Salad not Mashed Potatos". It's like Thais will get it 90% of the way there and say screw it, it's not Thai Food no one cares lol
  4. Thanks for the encouraging words yeah. Something I've noticed traveling around the world both ways, people love to eat. Making a business out of it however is a different story, but when you want something, and have a Skill that can help you obtain it, buckle down and Work....
  5. Thank you I'll do so when I get around to BKK.
  6. That's not an investment I'm willing to make. That's for the visionary expat, I'm just a schmuck who wants to earn their way into Citizenship flipping burgers and burning potatoes, not change the world🤣
  7. Most helpful response.I've had so far in 2 different Forums👍 I realize Staff and Culinary Adventureism is the largest challenge. However I have been doing research, and if you personally would like to hear my ideas please PM me. I am not 100% locked into anything, but I think if I can back a horse, it would the be one I'm betting on....
  8. I haven't been here long, but even I recognized Bobs standard two sentence reply, merely without his customary signature of a simple bob🤣 Don't cheat on your wife old bean and guilt wont be an issue. Or, divorce and it's also no longer an issue🤣
  9. Go for one on one Thai classes. Ask the teacher to start you off with the alphabet(consanants and vowels) the way a child learns. Learning the mouth structure on the different pronunciations of the same "word" is the most stressful yet important part of Thai. I'm in the same boat with the ADHD. My wife is teaching our kids, and I'm trying to learn the reading and writing first for a solid foundation. I also have a solid grasp on the accent as I lived with my Thai inlaws out in the sticks of Udon Thani so I was surrounded by Passa Thai and Passa Isaan constantly. Take your time, don't feel shame, persistance is key. Sit down and watch a bunch of movies in Thai with English subtitles, preferably something you have seen repeatedly and enjoyed and don't even pay attention to the action on the screen. Just read the words and let the language flow over you and through you. Thai is not as hard to learn as so many claim it is, it's gatekeeping by those who think they're special because they paid big bucks to go to fancy schools . Here in America you can pick up English/Thai books for children. How can you learn if your cup is already full from the wrong tea eh? Most kids in Isaan grow up only speaking and listening to Passa Isaan then have to learn Central Thai when they start Government School. Be as a child my friend, it comes in time if you're taking the same approach as them😁
  10. Yes, I'm aware. My post was rather tongue in cheek to the topic at hand. I loved him in True Grit, Rooster Cogburn and the Old Lady, The Green Berets, The Quiet Man with Maureen O'Hare, Rio Bravo because Dino was in it, and in my opinion The Shootist was his best work as an Actor....just opinions of course😅
  11. Only when I'm awake lol. When I'm asleep that's a horse of another color😜
  12. She's the reason I'm alive and kicking. Met her when I was attemtpting to drink myself into a diabetic coma in Bangkok😅 Been married 6 years, we have some kids. We're gonna follow a dream of mine and start my business after we settle in to our own home.
  13. I'm a firm believer in retroacrive aboritions. We need to thin the surplus population😜
  14. The last real man died in 1979. Rest in Peace Duke🫡
  15. So, when I'm on my deathbed dying from smoking Cigarettes, I can preach to my family the dangers of eating all those fruits and vegetables they love so much🤣🤣🤣
  16. Oh no! -i say as i stuffs more baccon in my baccon hole
  17. Brisket, red red red brisket with a lovely cracked black pepper bark.....wash it down with rum&coke tipples
  18. Are you married to a Thai?
  19. It's on my playlist, love some Jethro Tull. Bungle in the Jungle is a good song too😁
  20. Don't walk around looking like an easy mark. Most perpetrators know the difference between an easy mark and someone who isn't. To quote Mad Eye Moody:"constant vigilance". Of course, I'm an American, so we're usually armed😅 Here in Thailand though, it's just good common sense that keeps you out of trouble. I"ve walked through dark alleys in Bangkok and never felt weary, because it wasn't in those areas that are frequented by those looking to prey on the weak(i.e. Soi Cowboy etc).
  21. Diets are for folks who want to show up at their graves with a pretty body.... I'll cook low and slow at my cremation thank ya kindly
  22. I agree with using diatomaceous earth. Very effective for insects. Or anything really with an exoskeleton (scorpion, centipede)
  23. diatomaceous earth will kill all ground based insects. It literally dries em out like little bug jerky. Positive aspect of D.E. is it is not harmful to humans or pets
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