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Everything posted by IsaanExpat

  1. If i find a YouTuber i really enjoy I'll support them by purchasing one of their Tank Tops or Hoodies, that's it. I'm not about to be donating money to freeloaders🤣
  2. Anyone know of any areas to 4x4? I.e. rock crawling or mud bogging? I've seen some Thais doing it on YouTube, just not where they were.... Not looking for the dangerous stuff like in Moab Utah, just areas to take a Jeep or Hilux to toodle around in and entertain the kids and teach them how to drive.....
  3. Find a solution YOU have control over, i.e. Sleep with a fan on....
  4. Well, when the inevitable dead falang shows up in a canal with chicken bones crammed up his ass makes the news we know these posts will dissapear....
  5. I just gave up video games for Warhammer 40k Miniature painting. I don't play the Tabletop. But now I'm addicted to putting together plastic and painting them. If Risk came out with some miniatures to paint I could see myself getting into those too. May just be the excuse I need to finally bite the bullet on a Resin 3D Printer🤣
  6. Have friends in Khaosiung Taiwan, will be going back soon for more Tattoos. Japan is overrated and overpriced. Did an Okinawa trip, wasn't impressed(exception being the Ramen, lawdy i could eat if for breakfast lunch and dinner every day) Vietnam is on my list of must go places. My family has a history there, may even run into unknown uncles or aunts🤣 Malaysia and Indonesia are on the list of places i'd like to see too. Laos is across the border so will get to it eventually. Cambodia has no appeal to me. Have Sikh friends in BKK, if they ever invited me to go to Amristar India I'd go Thailand is Home😍
  7. Here's a tissue Snowflake, go wipe the sand out of your pussy before you start making Pearls
  8. I refuse to show up to my grave with a healthy body....we all die, guranteed, no ifs ands or buts....if he died working overtime, maybe he died doing what he loved, hell, that could have been how he wanted to go....everyones got their time on the clock, don't judge a man for a wasted life, it's his to waste....
  9. This song was Banned in 1985. I wonder if anyone ever revoked the ban because i hear it is still played there lol
  10. Their weather appears to be more dangerous with Typhoons/Hurricanes and whatnot.... Oh, and occasional maritime confrontation with the CCP's boats....
  11. P.T. Barnum said it best, there's a sucker born every minute. T.A.N.S.T.A.A.F.L.
  12. My father in law wanted a son. Had 4 daughters instead poor feller. So no, i avoid irritating the wife because he forced her to learn Muy Thai growing up and she throws elbows and knees like a mad lad....best to steer clear till she's had her morning cup of joe ya know
  13. Was unaware of linking Posts, thanks for the heads up.
  14. Problem has been solved apparantly. We shall see... https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2834332/thailand-signals-another-u-turn-on-cannabis
  15. Lovely people generally, not so much their overlords. Dont let the politics get in the way. There's good people everywhere, sit and eat with em like Tony Bourdain did.
  16. Yeah, good luck. My daughter was born September of 2023, still haven't had her added to my Benefits as of now. VA sucks ass having all the new PACT Act claims clogging their backlog...
  17. Be sure to send a few copys of your dental records around to trusted friends here in Thailand, that way your body can be identified after floating in a canal for a few days...
  18. Only wear the ball huggers when wearing a 3 piece, all other times I'm Commando style how the Lord intended my boys to be, FREE
  19. We surrounded our patio with hanging plants. Went around and watered them. A nice big fan plugged in and enjoyed the breeze and "slightly" cooler air. Unlike most, i grew up in the American Southwest, so I actually enjoy the humid tropics😅
  20. Send them a copy of your Thai Marriage Certificate(translated of course). I had this issue too(2018) when Wife and I first got married, she wasn't an American Citizen yet. Ebennefits is a garbage website and I'm grateful they're slowly phasing it out to go over to VA.gov.
  21. https://youtu.be/l8TXesafZws?si=guhdcOI97wLUZ2PS
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