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  1. I'll usually just take half the cetirizine or loratadine tablet; works for me.
  2. Mine was EMS (popped for the 1,550 because I was cutting it close). Mailed at a small station in Bangkok. Was "Processed Through USPS Facility ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS)" then on to "USPS Regional Facility JAMAICA NY INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER" the same day. My one-line summary is from the e-mail they sent me, but pretty identical to the USPS tracking site.
  3. Thanks for following up. I'd interpret that as probably having gone to Wilkes-Barre and then delivered, for a total of 11 or 12 days. Just guessing, but at the last stop they're probably hand-scanned, so it's possible if the tag was marred, or two were stuck together, or there were a lot of you timely guys that day, or if the mailman was running late, it might not have been entered. I guess we'll find out if you get a follow-up 7162 request in the fall.
  4. Have you tried both the Thai and US tracking sites?
  5. So 7162 form, using airmail with tracking, took 16 days from Thailand to Wilkes-Barre, including a 10-day layover between US airport and delivery. No stopover in Scranton Distribution Center shown. Thanks.
  6. Sent 7162 via EMS (1,550 baht) on Tue July 30 - Received in Wilkes-Barre Mon Aug 5. I think this was day 60 (notice was dated June 6, but not received for several weeks). Latest Update: Your item has been delivered and is available at a PO Box at 12:17 pm on August 5, 2024 in WILKES BARRE, PA 18767. Tracking works fine using both https://track.thailandpost.co.th/ and https://tools.usps.com/go . I also got e-mail (clicked send updates on the USPS page). About a dozen incremental steps along the way -- longest blackout was 2 days. Page had been saying signature required, but it was accepted without a sig.
  7. My question was when day 60 occurs, not day 1. If it is after the day the return letter is postmarked it matches all government deadlines I know of, including taxes and voting. It would seem unusual to me if they were to require receipt by day 60, particularly because they have to go to much more effort to verify a death than to check a postmark. But it's their process, so ... 😉
  8. Thank you for this link. The SSA procedures do not specify date of receipt vs postmark for the 60-day limit (or the 45-day limit for the second notice). The SSA will not inform you of successful receipt and processing. What is clear is that while it is fairly easy to have benefits suspended (the following January) by missing one of those deadlines, it is difficult to have them cancelled, and takes a full 7 years (unless you actually are dead). The SSA goes to some lengths to determine if you are still alive, including simply checking if you are still making SS / self-employment tax contributions. They will also accept phone calls at this point. If you are still alive, benefits are restored from the suspension date. See https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0202602320#c C Procedure – FO actions after efforts to locate 2. Beneficiary or representative payee responds to suspense action If the beneficiary or their representative payee responds to the suspense action, follow these steps: ... c. Reinstate benefits effective with the first month of suspension using the guidelines found in SM 03005.160, if applicable.
  9. Will post update. I guess the most informative result will be if it arrives there on day 61. Am I informed of receipt within the time limit anywhere? or will I just get another form in the fall?
  10. Thanks Pib. I just used EMS 1,550 baht. I think FedEx something priority would have been 1,400, probably do that next year. Or mail / registered mail if I'm more on the ball. My 60 days is next Monday, so might make it -- or more likely 60 days means postmarked by -- any idea? and do you know if they reject a late response to the first notice?
  11. Same story, but I did get the letter this year. How do people mail it back? EMS via Thai Post? FedEx? lol I have a week left for my 60 days.
  12. Note that this was an observational study; the mechanism is not clear. Not clear how the benefit was distributed (i.e. mostly average, vs. some little, some folks much) -- have to wait for a more detailed report on the full article. https://www.medpagetoday.com/neurology/dementia/111252 Dementia Risk Drops With Shingrix Vaccine Key Takeaways The recombinant zoster vaccine (Shingrix) was associated with a 17% increase in time without a dementia diagnosis, compared with the live vaccine. This translated into 164 additional days without a dementia diagnosis. The findings support hypotheses about shingles vaccination and dementia prevention. Taquet, M., Dercon, Q., Todd, J.A. et al. The recombinant shingles vaccine is associated with lower risk of dementia. Nat Med (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-024-03201-5 There is a link to a preprint, but I couldn't get it to fully load: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-03201-5.epdf?sharing_token=MzU7BhG2gmTGLXj4ijnrfdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0MWVzS3OFxW79q3WomDJxB3y6xBCVUar8J1P4JKNdWXQue0SMFhuKV7_ywG5ahb5xmjguPbCEni3RzKZUbdflXePM8wtNcGqDF89ZFbTAxL6NItemE6s8T9cdQA1STBKPA%3D
  13. Reporting on this only because I tracked down the app details. The "Omron Evolv" is on Shopee / Lazada for about 4K baht. It is the HEM-7600T-Z model. I bought Shopee / TSMactive because they looked bigger than the other guy; probably same owner lol. This is the model that works with the Omron app from the US Google Play store (which my Android phone uses -- you can only change once per year). The Thai alternative HEM-7600T, which is sold by the "official" Omron store, costs about 900 baht more, and I was told will only use the Asia version of the app. The US version is cheaper on Amazon, but they won't ship it to Thailand. Readings are very close to the Omron Series 7 wrist guy I bought almost exactly 10 years ago, and which is now getting a little balky about starting. I put my left hand across my chest so the device is over my heart, at about the same height as the arm unit. Both seem to have good repeatability; wrist is typically a few mm higher just like the Interweb says. If I had to do it over again I'd just get the cheaper, non-Bluetooth wrist version -- it seems to be just as accurate but is easier to put on & take off.
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  14. If that were the case, a DTA would not need to include details about different taxation rules for different types of income. It could just say "we have a DTA, so use the lowest rates." Rule 5 ('favor the taxpayer when "the rate of tax stipulated in the Revenue Code is different from that of an agreement" ') would seem to apply only when there is genuine ambiguity. I think this is a general RD principle. Otherwise, as that same FAQ says: 9. What is the method for elimination of double taxation provided in the agreement? - In a double taxation agreement, there are credit and exemption methods.
  15. You are absolutely right. I jumped to the conclusion that you were referring to GDP, and not income (unlike Schneider and my other citations, who are referring to GDP) -- I guess I'm just used to seeing words like "gray" and "shadow" so frequently used in that context. My apologies for getting this wrong. Your explanation of 48% makes good sense. I just don't see where the figure comes from, or how close it might be to this X or Y ? X% of Thai earnings are below or barely above the limit for reporting and taxation. Y% of unreported Thai earnings would yield significant taxes if discovered. I'm open to a side bet on the fraction of Y that should be, but are not, showing up on tax returns that are currently filed, and which (I think) the RD has its sights on ;)
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