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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. I need someone local who can provide proper service for vintage watches.
  2. Aviation is an excellent topic for the nudniks here to show off what they don't know. What none of you seem to know, is that a category III airport doesn't need visibility. Some of the planes can land themselves. Of course, you don't know this and why blemish your record or total ignorance. So when I saw someone here blaming the the visibility not being more than 3000 I looked up what I already know. Don't educated yourselves, but keep talking about things you are ignorant about.
  3. Have we determined that most expats are quality?
  4. That happens. You should have seen what I sent to the building manager.
  5. Congnitive Dissonance No deep state tried to kill him twice. Sure, pretend it didn't happen. There are so many to put on my list because nothing but drool escapes their lips. Nothing but echo chamber nonsense dripping from each lip.
  6. What was your 2FA? Did you lose that device too?
  7. Spoken like a man who hasn't watched any of the Customs series. One word: One word only Vasily - Chinese
  8. The article, if you can call it that, is published by USA Today, a stellar and most trustworthy arm of the Deep State. Do better. Another Deep State General who who likes the status Quo. For Fu*E*$*ks sake. Please don't bore me pedestrian nonsense.
  9. How does this mitigate that China is the biggest polluter alongside India? Don't gaslight.
  10. How could you possibly know this?
  11. Total nonsense. I don't believe what the Chinese say and you give me Wikipedia? C'mon. Are they using slave labor for the batteries? Renewables are wasteful and use a boatload of natural resource to make. Try again.
  12. My 17-year-old talks me for hours a day. Question after question which I am happy to discuss with him.
  13. I think 60's is too old. I had mine at 43. You won't be around for the baby for a long time. It cheats them.
  14. Lions and tigers and bears ... oh my. He doesn't seem to be the sharpest, does he?
  15. Thank you. My uncle Erasmus Jordan Smy******* A cantankerous character of dubious lineage and a very unforgiving man, but a patriot through and through.
  16. Why do I give a rat's anus what he thinks or does?
  17. Do you really want your children in a bus like this?
  18. Look at the photos of the burned bus. The fire traveled up the side of the bus, and somehow ignited the seats? How? Did it go through a window? Once the fire started, it looked like the seats burned fast. The children had no chance. Did they die from toxic fumes and or smoke? I'll say that 99 percent of buses have flammable seats. Do you happen to know anything about this?
  19. No fire extinguisher on the bus? Why did the driver need to open the door? It won't open on the inside?
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