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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. I don't know what they do here to certificate pilots. I hope it is more than just the color blind test and how fast you can hit the brakes as they do here for a car license.
  2. It's not just words. A license is a permission from government to do something that would be otherwise illegal without the license. We in the USA are certificated pilots.
  3. It would help if you learned to think before you write. Prove to anyone it is racist. How about preserving our culture over Muslims who openly say they will take over the country? Good on whomever at the Church of England to block the sale.
  4. In America, I run red lights carefully and when I see a policeman I flag them down and ask them to escort me to the hospital. They always help. They turn on lights and siren and lead me through the traffic lights and stop signs. The last was when my 80 year old father had a medical emergency. It probably saved me 2 to 3 minutes to get him to the emergency room. Now imagine doing that here with cops that are never found and idiots who purposely block ambulances.
  5. A classic Gaslighting experience. If Trump has not yet agreed to the tenets of the debate, there was no debate to "pull out of," as you wrote. To insinuate that K Harris was going to destroy him is also the perfect case of gaslighting. Or is it wishful thinking?
  6. God said it was inconceivable that they had to write the above. How about checking everything?
  7. He's the First Grandpa. As I recall, things ran smoothly when he was in the PM.
  8. A dentist is needed, not antifreeze.
  9. Has the baby been checked for MonkeyPox?
  10. Maybe the baby will get her head stuck in a door. Let's remove all doors. Nonsense.
  11. What does an economist know about water and floods?
  12. Get a rottweiler to protect the family. No monkey will attack a rottweiler.
  13. In an engine out situation (which does not apply to this thread) you look for a landing spot, trim the plane for best glide speed (it's in the POH or Pilot Operating Handbook) and then setup to land in the spot you chose. It's that simple.
  14. Why didn't you tell us if you knew it all this time?
  15. Are you writing that Thais cannot do proper repairs without foreigners overseeing them?
  16. The pilot is an idiot.
  17. Airplanes don't drop out of the sky.
  18. It's a certificate, not a license.
  19. Planes glide. Can we dispense with this ignorant nonsense about dropping out of the sky?
  20. Mistakes do happen. We had a new engine installed on a Piper PA-32 Lance. The mechanic forgot to torque the oil hose. He hand-tightened the connection. Eight flying hours later, it wiggled loose and dumped all the oil at 6000ft. The club pilot who flew it (it was supposed to be me) was in the middle of an IFR snafu with ATC and was flying 6000ft above the airport, circling. It was easy to get it on the runway but not to fly it. Oil covered the entire front of the plane and windshield. The engine seized on the runway as he was landing. The mechanic fought it for months but finally had to buy us a new engine. It was a very costly mistake.
  21. This is a problem that should be handled by the Thai Government regulatory agency. The mechanics should have their certification revoked, then let them earn their certification again like the first time. Put them out of work with no certificates. Let them starve. I'm sure the lazy ass**** mechanics have already killed a few pilots and passengers.
  22. No, it doesn't. The video clearly shows the Chinese women were aggressive. I watched it. You didn't. Ignorant commentary isn't helpful.
  23. Another one who hasn't seen the video.
  24. You obviously haven't seen the video. Now say your sorry.
  25. ST or LT? It is so defining. ST used to mean two hours. Today it means one hour. LT insinuates a sleepover. I created my two-letter acronym. MT or Medium Time No sleepover and 3 to 4 hours.
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