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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. When your thoughts are clearer, do give it another try.
  2. It was a coup against Biden and everyone expected it.
  3. It always involves taxis or tuk-tuks. What a surprise.
  4. What happens in Phuket, stays in Phuket.
  5. Careful, big guy; for a moment, I thought you might be describing yourself.
  6. There is so much wrong with this paragraph and the article itself. How do you know the truck was speeding? Was the motorbike struck or did it try to get to the other side but didn't make it? From the photo, it appears Grandpa lacks good judgment.
  7. Your graphic doesn't say how much memory the phone has.
  8. Another comment bereft of any semblance of thought. You're on a roll.
  9. Defamation of a public official. Don't make me laugh too hard.
  10. Kamala's latest interview was a disaster. She said nothing but she did her trademark cackling. She is bereft of any political acumen and comes across as a smacked ass, stupid, and without the wherewithal to properly answer a question. She belongs on the Jerry Springer Show or Maury Povitch.
  11. Long before anyone heard the name Trump, her antics with Willie Brown were well known.
  12. Thousands of articles written by reputable news organizations does not make a lie. It's news. Americans know how she climbed the ranks.
  13. Invective only alert. Warning: invective without any substantiation.
  14. No link to the Trump comment? Does it have anything to do with how she serviced Willie Brown and how she climbed the government ladder on her knees? Her antics with Willie Brown is well known in America.
  15. What did you expect? A plane takes off from Suvahnabumi and lands there, too?
  16. It looks like a Dash 8, which is perfect for ferrying short-haul passengers.
  17. An article with not one photo of the airplanes.
  18. How odd that teachers are involved.
  19. Ah, but what exactly do they censor and what they do not, is even more interesting. A wholesome time is promised for all. Bring the family.
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