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Everything posted by FriscoKid

  1. Brits are at the global average, which is bigger than Aussies like yourself, Susan.
  2. Disgusting. 🤮
  3. One very serious flaw in what you're saying. Trump campaigned on the promise to the American people of ending the war within 24 hours. In fact, it was one of his biggest campaign promises. Now he's not going to end anything because he's not a master deal maker. And the war may go on for at least another year with the support from the NATO allies in Europe. Trump can disengage, but that makes him fail on his promise immediately. Not 24 hours, not 24 days, and likely not at all. Do nothing Trump.
  4. KFC blows. Only losers eat there, Susan.
  5. Pure windup. Never happened.
  6. Agreed. Hard to understand why they don't simply ban him permanently. It truly boggles. I don't see how they gain anything from tolerating any of it. It's sad. In any serious online community he would have been removed immediately.
  7. Spoken by the biggest dog of all. Banned at least half a dozen time already and with 1,500 meaningless posts per week of you plunging your vapid mouth into buffalo dung over 200 times per day. Fact.
  8. Most foreigners who don’t live in Thailand see Thais wai-ing each other and just follow along, trying to be polite. They don’t always know when or with whom it’s appropriate. But hey, better than flipping someone the bird, right?
  9. Never miss a single opportunity to mention how cheap something is in Thailand is, do you, Susan?
  10. With 16 of those hours wasted on AN, posting utter rubbish while sitting there in your tasteless Hawaiian shirt. Nice!
  11. Says the obsessed snowflake, the serial stalker with no life who churns out 1,500 meaningless posts a week that nobody cares about. You really can’t make this stuff up, can we, Susan?
  12. Are you sure the foreigner is giving you an actual Wai and not merely trying to block the BO from entering his nostrils? Could be neh?
  13. And dogs fart. And all of susanlea's posts are rubbish. Just sayin...
  14. I’d like to agree, but it’s hard to. They seem to take themselves very seriously, whether it’s job titles, work uniforms, or social hierarchy, all things that we barely emphasize at all in the West. Then there’s the big, fragile egos of many local men, which is just another sign of how seriously they take themselves. And the whole concept of saving face? That’s entirely rooted in taking oneself too seriously. You often have to walk on eggshells when speaking with Thai men. You accidentally damage their ego or inadvertently cause them to lose face, and it could turn into an irreparable situation.
  15. No. Only farangs from Australia wear them in Thailand, Susan.
  16. chat can mean both ethnicity or nationality, it depends on context. Whereas chat by itself might mean nationality, cheuh chat means ethnicity. So neither is wrong.
  17. Well done GammaFarang, another one of your cringe, largely off-topic posts, laden with YouTube music videos that nobody needs. A true oddity indeed.
  18. I’m grateful for that. Yet, here you are speaking to me anyway. Seems it’s time for your afternoon lie-down, Susan.
  19. Living in Australia you would surely know what people do in the UK.
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