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Everything posted by FriscoKid

  1. Living in Australia you would surely know what people do in the UK.
  2. I see that often too. Could be they are worried that if they speak better English that they might not be understood. A bad habit, but seemingly could have some purpose.
  3. I agree and I would say that in most cases it isn't intended to be derogatory. Depends on the situation and the person who is speaking it. For many locals who aren't well educated, it might be the only word for foreigner that they know. But I think the question here is more about foreigners using the word who do have a larger base of vocabulary.
  4. Couldn't have said it any better. You just described 100% of your hundreds of meaningless daily posts. Bravo, Susan.
  5. Yes, that seems very likely. A good assessment. He is probably not very physically mobile and not in great overall health either. His constant focus on low-cost meals and cheap essentials in Thailand suggests he does not have much financial flexibility either. He likely saves as much as possible from his monthly government checks, makes his way to a budget-friendly, non-touristy province in Thailand once a year with the little that he is able to save, then stays put, and spends most of his time obsessively trolling forums both while in Thailand and when back in Australia to try and release his frustrations.
  6. Every time another one of his stalker accounts gets banned, he comes back with a new one, convinced he is fooling everyone and that nobody will realize he is the same troll over and over again. It is a pretty desperate existence and he's only fooling himself.
  7. maeseriang (or something like that) was another one of his most recent banned accounts. He has had many of these troll accounts. Hard to remember them all. All the same drivel though.
  8. He has a few more user accounts than that which have already been banned as well. Other members have mentioned that he is wheelchair-bound in Australia, angry at the world, living off government disability checks, and constantly on a tight budget. He is known for bargain hunting, having practically no friends or interests, and spends almost all of his waking time attempting to troll and hijack nearly every forum topic while making over 200 posts per day. It is a very sad existence.
  9. But it needs to be a cheap bargain meal too, otherwise Susan won't eat it.
  10. Why would you insult 14 year old girls like that? Sad.
  11. What are you good at picking besides awful replies?
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