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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. But the fact hes conservative is why hes evil to you. The only thing dislikable about musk is that hes not on your side. Drives liberals mad
  2. This is the risk you accept living in thailand. On these roads any day could be your last
  3. Why does trump need to interview again? Hes already leading in every swing state
  4. Everyone who’s opinion doesnt matter. The only people that matter are in swing states, and things are looking good for trump
  5. Russians want harris to win, chinese and iran want harris to win. Most europeans on this forum want harris to win. You america haters need to get stuffed
  6. Friendly reminder that people who hate america want harris to win
  7. You come off as jealous, and a low worth individual, aka white trash. An embarrassment to your race
  8. You seem to have the notion that israel started the war. Maybe you just need more of an excuse to be a nazi
  9. If you were rich you wouldnt be in thailand.
  10. You want whatever sinks america so you can feel better about your sorry life
  11. Oh so hes british. That would explain a lot then.
  12. I dont think so. You know america was strong with him. You want to see america become a liberal hellhole like the country youre from. Im going to call you hitlers buddy from now on
  13. The europeans here have massive inferiority complexes. Always have to one up the american online, because the reality turned out so different for them
  14. People with lives i want wouldnt say this. I do not ever in my life wished i were european. I hope that america doesnt become like europe, or else i will probably move to thailand with the rest of the miserable people here
  15. Anti americans and anti bitcoiners have had a rough life, and its not about to get any easier
  16. Europeans arent less greedy than americans, the ones that want money are invested in the US stock market
  17. Sounds like a europoor response. You also happen to be against bitcoin. You will be proven wrong on all your opinions
  18. If the polls show him in a slight lead, then the result will be a landslide
  19. If you dont side with israel and america as a european then im sure you would have no issues going to live in iran russia or china with your friends
  20. And if not, the west is about to go full retard
  21. Because its complex. If youre not arab or jewish theres no reason to have an opinion on it
  22. So you support hamas then
  23. Sounds like something copy pasted from 4chan. Unbelievable
  24. Reality is something you experience, not something you read in the news. Media had credibility decades ago, not anymore. You democrats place too much importance in it, thats why the country is currently weak
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