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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Your idea of a hot one would be below average for me. Our standards arent the same
  2. Not everyone votes for whats in their best interest. Trump is getting more jewish voters now than he did last time though
  3. I did. Shes a moron. Not something i didnt already know
  4. Not as much as i believe everything said about him here is false
  5. And now more people than before think shes a moron. Maybe the dems should have stuck to their strategy of keeping her hidden
  6. Not really, considering US media is extremely biased in favor of the left. One would have to be a fool to take any article posted here at face value
  7. Putins real success didnt begin until Biden was elected
  8. Dont know how parents in thailand avoid the anxiety of handing over your children to someone else in that country. I just couldnt do it with mine. Theyd need to go everywhere i go
  9. They need to milk this thing for as much as its worth to distract people from the inferno bus story
  10. 32 days too many for the democrats. They want this to be over while they still have a “lead”
  11. If his tariffs were such a bad idea, why did biden keep them?
  12. I only visit thailand during the rainy season because i like seeing the sky. If it were a couple decades ago id be living there year round
  13. Any situation where she doesnt have a teleprompter in front of her is far too risky to dems and is something theyre trying to avoid. This interview on 60 minutes was a disaster for them and helps trump bigly
  14. This is what im currently struggling with. Trump should win but i believe people ARE stupid, as evidenced by this forum.
  15. He did a lot more for israel than biden or obama did. Seems like things in the middle east went to <deleted> after he wasnt in office anymore. The whole world went to <deleted>
  16. We already know your agenda. youd like to see chinas car factories in mexico put americas auto companies out of business mr. Chinaman
  17. Thanks for your opinion. I will continue buying japanese cars anyways because china sucks
  18. For sure, you are living proof that thailand will let anyone with a wallet come in
  19. Liberals here cant seem to learn from the UKs mistakes. That includes alot of british here
  20. Not sure how many muslims are in michigan but that state better be red if they hope to save their auto industry. The world will be wrecked under harris
  21. No because i married a hot one and i regret it haha
  22. Anyone voting kamala is not moderate. As far as extreme views go, she is head and shoulders above trump for the things shes said in the past
  23. Not surprising to me in the least. Michigan and Pennsylvania need trump the most
  24. #5 settle for an average looking chick. The hot ones are always a headache
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