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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. The road there is so scary that you can do everything the right way every day you live there and still be killed by some idiot
  2. Thats what happens when the current leaders are incompetent. People vote for a change
  3. Would be fine if any of their websites ever worked right
  4. This pro-hitler guy is evidence enough that only the most antiamerican people want harris to win. Iran russia and china all want harris.
  5. You used a post from 2009 as evidence when the overwhelming thai population now discriminate against russian and chinese tourists for being alot worse than israeli tourists
  6. Way to step up to the plate there guy. Sounds like a real hero
  7. Hes not a serious poster. He would be killed immediately there for being white and he knows it
  8. If he doesnt i will make sure you dont want to return here
  9. No one lies more than your sources. I trust random opinions on facebook or twitter over the links you post here
  10. Really? The sky is still visible? If it is it wont be soon. Dont forget to drink before hopping on your bike. Be careful you dont get plowed down by a pickup truck. Apparently you think thailand is safer to drive than america. Youre what the british call a “nutter” i think
  11. People usually get the government they deserve. Do americans think for themselves, or just what the media tells them to think? This election will reveal the answer
  12. Go then. And put your life savings on harris to win like you said. Do half of the things you say you believe in, but wont because youre just a troll. No credibility
  13. Trumps got the blue collar worker vote, and the veteran vote. Kamalas got the low testosterone vote
  14. Answer this, would you rather live in israel or iran? Exactly. Stfu
  15. They have a problem with you though, and all white skinned people. They would rather you be dead.
  16. You live in thailand because you could not tolerate what your country has become. And now you preach to others online about your false ideology
  17. I find it ironic that you look down on america or israel considering your country is the biggest joke of them all. Perhaps you would like israel to invite muslims to their country like yours have?
  18. Comparing thailands road safety with any western country, youre just reaching for something to disagree with
  19. You should really apply for a job with CNN. Your nonstop propaganda here is wasted on folks that dont give a <deleted>. And youre doing it all for no salary
  20. Source? Oh wait…all your sources are bull<deleted>
  21. Leftwing media is on another level when it comes to lying
  22. True. I had to explain to my thai wife that in usa you buckle your seatbelt to avoid a ticket. In thailand you do it to save your life
  23. Living inversely of thai politicians will make you correct in predicting the future 100% of the time
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