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Posts posted by jbaldwin

  1. Which government department do you think is responsible for the AGM fees? Do you not beleive that these fees are set by banks?

    Also it is certainly not unique for cross border financial transactions to cost more than domestic ones.

    Halifax makes no charge for transfer from my UK bank account to any other UK bank account but charges 9.95 GBP for a transfer to an overseas bank account. Do you also beleive that this is racist?

  2. The nicer destinations (Barbados, Antigua, Virgin Islands (British)) are more expensive than Thailand hands down. Yes you can get some lower cost package deals, but the places just aren't comparable to what you can get in Thailand. Nor is the food. Places like the Dominican Republic and Cuba can certainly offer better package deals but again the outside options are not much fun. I If you want a great deal there is always Haiti and Jamaica, but you basically go there knowing that if you step outside the hotel you will be mugged. All the other little islands like Nevis, St Kitts are beautiful, but expensive.

    Martinique had the riots recently and St Marten is filthy. I've been to all these places and if you factor out the airfare differences, Thailand's value is much better. Even with higher airfare, the hospitality and service levels available in SE Asia quickly compensate.

    I've been all over the Carribean and I'd gladly pay a bit more given the choice between the surly chip on the shoulder Carrbean attitude and the friendly Thai smiles and friendlieness.

    And I'm not the biggest fan of the Thai hospitality industry either.

    Well, Much of the population of the Carribien are decendents of slaves and blame westerners.

    Lately the Thai are blaming us for economic slavery :)

    I do not think that I have ever come across a Thai who beleives that they suffer from "economic slavery"

  3. I am on the Committee of a Condo in Pattaya.

    Some time ago we decided that we should find a suitable local lawyer should we ever need legal help.

    Markus Klemm, a German Attorney of Asia Law Works in Thepprasit Road, was recommeded.

    We met him and he seemed very knowledgable of Condo law issues but as yet we have not need to use his services.

  4. In the UK very few people would buy a property without first getting a survey carried out by a qualified surveyer but in Thailand it seems normal just to hope that everything will be OK. Subject to any particular warranties you argeed with the seller you will have bought the property as seen and therefore will have no recource for faults (such as the precents of termites).

    Termites can be very difficult to eliminate. I would strongly recommend bringing in a professional pest control company and not rely on the condo management to solve.

    I am not sure of the location of your unit. However, under no circumstances would I ever consider buy a ground floor condo. The risk of termite problems is too high

  5. "Juristic Person Manager".

    by juristic person manager , do you mean the chairman of the committee , voted to the position by the committee?

    No - The Juristic Person Manager is not the same as the Chairman of the Committee.

    The Juristic Person Manager is the legal representive of the Condo, appointed by a vote of co-owners. He may or may not be a Committee Member. It cases where there is an outside management company it is often a senior employee of the management company. Our condo used to be management by IRM. When it was the managing director of IRM was the Jeristic Person Manager. After we removed IRM as managment company the Thai member of the Committee became the Jeristic Person Manager.

    As stated in my previous message our advice from both previous condo management companies and independent lawyers was that acting as Committee Chairman is not consider work but acting as Juristic Person Manager is. Our Committee has always been aware of this so I had assumed that any well informed Committee would also know.

  6. From the orginally article it seems that the Canadian was acting as the "Juristic Person Manager". This is the individual who is the legal representive of the condominium and who has similar power and duties as a director of a limited company.

    I am a member of a condo committee. Our advice has always been that the Juristic Person Manager must either be Thai or have a work permit. This advice has come from both the companies that have acted as our Condominium Managers and also independent lawyers.

    Our Condo committee has seven members - six falang and one Thai. The Thai was appointed as the Jusistic Person Managers as our Committee was fully aware that the post holder would be consider to be working.

  7. I beleive that the OP is confusing Thai and Malaysian immigration rules. My understand is that:

    1) Thais do not require a visa for stay in Malaysia of less than one month

    2) There is no requirement for a minimum amount of cash (Thailand has a rule - rarely enforced - that anyone entering Thailand on a tourist visa needs 20,000 baht)

    3) Malaysia has no requirement for an onward air ticket

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