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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. I toldy wife in 2020 what was going to happen as well. Writing was on the wall.
  2. You left out where they said it was a low probability. Which means they think that it was but will still investigate. Common sense really but somehow you seem to be missing that part. So you have nothing.
  3. Kamala spent an ocean of money and still didn't get elected. Both her and Trump were backed by their own billionaires.
  4. Ya the kinds of folks you listen to. We all know how that has gone in the past don't we.
  5. I got like 15 seconds into the video. Name calling swearing. Dude is way too angry.
  6. Forget that....off to make a 2nd donation up my chances.
  7. Tea tastes good at any time of the day or so I'm told.
  8. This seems to explain it all quite well. https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2025/social-security-fraud-discovered-doge/
  9. Yes you already mentioned that. Now stick with me here. Who is paying it then ?
  10. Not sure why you got the cry baby emoji's to this post. You're dead on.
  11. Are you in subsidised housing or rent control ? Also how are you able to not pay for electricity. Who is footing the bill as its not free.
  12. Both the wet market situation and the actual origin of the virus are important. So did covid 19 that effected our world come from a lab or not ? Not talking about the evolution of it after it hit us. The initial virus. Where did it come from a lab or wet market. Intelligence thinks it came from a lab. Regardless of ceftaintly the statement made is that it did. If you think that's reading too much into it that's your opinion. I see it differently. Nor should it be dismissed considering the things you have mentioned.
  13. I can tell you what changed. Tourism went from few million a year to top out at 40mn. The greed of thai is insatiable. Mass tourism is a plague on this planet now.
  14. My sisters boyfriend knows a guy who knows a guy who said..... I love part of the headline too. Guilty as f. If this was anti dem this forum would be on 🔥
  15. Yes that's why he has an almost cult like following on this forum. Don't be jealous.
  16. What's with all the Elvis impersonators lately. Elvis is here but all others should leave the building. Elvis is the real bob. These others lack any class or decorum.
  17. Oh boy.
  18. The clown show continues. Now I'm off to make a donation to my local temple to ensure I get into heaven. What a totally corrupt culture.
  19. Correct. In Canada we had a part time drama teacher acting a fool for almost a decade. Because it's 2015.
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