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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Ok you're the best and know everything. You keep doing you ok. I live indoors I'm completely unaffected. You can't make this shhhhhh up.
  2. Hence why I said it's naive to think as he does. Just my foolish point of view though.
  3. Ok Pollution in thailand alone will knock how many years off your life ?? Breath easy. Life in Thailand is dramatically different than life in UK. With so many different situations and factors to include it is naive to compare the two or to assume the length will be the same. You're comparing apples to oranges.
  4. A UK male living in Thailand right ? So throw all that data you posted out the window as its irrelevant.
  5. 1 litre with added sugar is 40. 1 litre without is 45.
  6. That's it. Deport every single tourist in thailand. Enough is enough.
  7. You're a little confuscious about this one. Adding sugar dilutes the product allowing for more overall sales. Selling a more pure product at a higher cost makes sense.
  8. Oh look the op is angry again and calling people stupid.
  9. You want rich politicians to scold another rich politician ?
  10. I bet it will be more than culture exchanged for tips.
  11. And just think they want casinos. What could possibly go wrong.
  12. Judge should sentence 2 cheeseburgers a day for 2 years. The prison clothes should be made from.the finest sexiest leather available.
  13. Ahhhh terminal 21 opened almost 7 years ago. In today's insta face tweet world that's about 2 decades.
  14. The democrats would do well to listen to this man. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nrXqnGXVyPM&t=556s&pp=ygUOc3RldmVuIGEgc21pdGg%3D
  15. I voted liberal in canada when I was young. You see a lot of progressives on here exposing their true colors day after day.
  16. You'd think someone from the left would say something about that. You jonnyf used to be a liberal. Does no compute. Error. Error.
  17. Your books sound groundbreaking.
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