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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. I saw a video where a girl brought her kids to the restaurant date.
  2. Let's just get it over with already. Cull 80 percent of the population and get onto the new world. This old world is decaying and dying fast.
  3. Thai people don't notice. You're making something out of nothing.
  4. Wonder if the car hit anything else. That's a lot.of damage for a scooter accident
  5. I can't even do that in the best of health.
  6. in other news a funeral around the corner was allowed to blast concert level sound all night.
  7. Will democrats ever listen... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9qksfCyRZh0&pp=ygUUU3RldmVuIHNtaXRoIHRoZSB2aWU%3D
  8. Steven A Smith for democratic party leader. The rest are just a bunch of what was clearly rejected at the last election. This tip is free for all you dems.
  9. Lol he did use those exact words regarding the auto industry. The media however put a much different spin on that comment.
  10. What the hell am I doing drinking in la at 26.
  11. If paying more means less slave labor. I'll gladly pay more.
  12. Legacy media is at an all time low in most metrics.No one is watching that bs anymore. You don't understand they were going to hang Pence.
  13. So ? This guy does what he wants when he wants. Legal hurdles just mean bigger envelopes. Jai yen yen he's all good.
  14. I only start working 2 weeks now.
  15. Most of the foreigners came for the weather and women. Personally I came for the honesty.
  16. What a simp he is. 1500 spent for friend zone. She just wanted free food. I bet she was a single mom independent and strong with a great career and didn't need a man in her life.
  17. Ya did you walk uphill in the snow both ways too.
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