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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Was that when they invaded countries that led to the deaths of 100s of thousands of people?
  2. Clinton is far far worse than Trump. Better ?
  3. Also I could be wrong but wasn't Trump a Democrat at the time of this picture ?
  4. Yes Trump knew epstien. Do you really want to play the picture game ? If won't go well for the blue team. Take this one for example. I hear it was a beautiful ceremony.......
  5. This isn't who they voted for Mr Miracle isn't helping the cause sticking his nose into everything.
  6. Go check them both out. Your outlook depends on you.
  7. You do know that Epstien donated regularly to the democratic party and it's candidates.
  8. Add on top of that a whole lot of shady activity in the market.
  9. Shoot walk down sukhumvit on any given night in the ghetto and you'll find dozens of guys offering.
  10. Woah woah it's all jokes until people start getting drugged and mugged.
  11. Last night before bed I took off my ailing mothers compression stockings. Then I rubbed cream all over her shoulder so she could sleep.
  12. Dude I know every yard every running back had made since the nfl began.
  13. I very much hope he does make it. I cannot wait for the 2028 election and subsequent transfer of power. Finally all this ridiculous narrative will be finished.
  14. Trump is many things good and bad. But one of the worst humans to ever live ? Scary levels of Delusion.
  15. Hahaha this is how far gone some people are. Next you're going to tell us that Ted Bundy was a saint compared to the evil fascist Trump.
  16. Gullible like Biden was tippy top ? Remind me again which side of that you stood on ?
  17. The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Oh wait they already tried too.
  18. And neither is saying no one sucks more than Trump. Oh wait snap.
  19. I love the trolling emoji use. Thee vs me comes to mind.
  20. Not being a corrupt bully. He's been re elected for the 2nd time by the way.
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