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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Steven A Smith for democratic party leader. The rest are just a bunch of what was clearly rejected at the last election. This tip is free for all you dems.
  2. Lol he did use those exact words regarding the auto industry. The media however put a much different spin on that comment.
  3. What the hell am I doing drinking in la at 26.
  4. If paying more means less slave labor. I'll gladly pay more.
  5. This is so Biden era double speak.
  6. Legacy media is at an all time low in most metrics.No one is watching that bs anymore. You don't understand they were going to hang Pence.
  7. So ? This guy does what he wants when he wants. Legal hurdles just mean bigger envelopes. Jai yen yen he's all good.
  8. Yes how you can know.
  9. I only start working 2 weeks now.
  10. Most of the foreigners came for the weather and women. Personally I came for the honesty.
  11. What a simp he is. 1500 spent for friend zone. She just wanted free food. I bet she was a single mom independent and strong with a great career and didn't need a man in her life.
  12. Ya did you walk uphill in the snow both ways too.
  13. Didn't you say you came from old money? You'd be as soft as melted butter if that's the case. Who you fooling. You went to the most posh schools out there Mr nails.
  14. I got some cream for you.
  15. Are you American? You dont even know your own freedoms or constitution. Wow talk about ignorance.
  16. Not an overly difficult task.
  17. Not sure why you got a cry,baby emoji. This all makes zero sense. So after she shot herself in the chest she then had enough in her to find the casing. Then put it and the gun on the table before dying. Riiiiiiiight.
  18. This is simply not possible in the coming decades.
  19. I couldnt even stand my wife for 24 hours never mind kissing her for 58.
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