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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. You were embarrassed. It's ok we all make mistakes. Unfortunately you didn't learn anything from what happened. Is part of the pain realising you were duped ?
  2. Why ? Is he new to thailand or something.
  3. That's your opinion. Your truth. Not the truth. I would believe the things you say had you been saying it right after the election. But you didn't.
  4. I was scolded a few weeks ago and told that thai value family so much. Clearly they do.
  5. Being brave is the only way to post.
  6. I didn't before.
  7. You sound brave Lou.
  8. It seems like you're confused. The OP is shedding light on the sources of AP's funding. Isn't that a good thing, that readers know where their money is coming from? None of that matters when you live in orange man bad world
  9. Hahaha you think vance will be the president? good one.
  10. I really did miss your comments when you were off hiding. Glad to see you're back.
  11. What a totally broken people and culture. Everything about them is a facade.
  12. Won't work. They aren't serious about this issue. Probably never will be.
  13. Any excuse to milk people. Ok temple time gotta fly.
  14. I wish this imposter would fade away. The threads are slowly losing traction so that's good.
  15. You forgot. Iran has been 6 months away from nuclear bs for about 15 to 20 years now.
  16. A brit walks into a bar... no he doesnt he got knocked the f out.
  17. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hMIQWRsYxak&pp=ygUVcm9iIGZvcmQgZWF0IGF0IGhvbWUu
  18. Well done trooper. Is it only 1 application or multiple ?
  19. Yes. The illegal export market from thailand is massive. I would say India viet nam UK and France. With the electricity it would e interesting to know the comparative costs of each vs the monetary reward. Ac and lights vs miners and ac
  20. I mean exports yes. Sure those things may be more profitable. I'm just going with my own anecdotal evidence. Maybe the people involved preferred to grow over those other 2. There's always room for scammers right.
  21. For the thai market. Illegal exports. Stolen electricity by certain groups. Unlicensed farms.
  22. What is your argument? Expand Trump is evil. So was Clinton. The picture you posted of them together helps prove they have the same morals. To be fair I posted the pics.
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