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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. I think I found the goat today. This is a reply to a comment i made on YouTube. I attached the original comment too.
  2. The boorisb name calling continues. Can you guys never just present these threads without the garbage. People may take you a little more serious. I guess rules for thee but not for dems.
  3. People have to stop with this billionaire donar garbage. Both sides trotted out their respective billionaires.
  4. I've never seen a joke fly over someone's head faster than that.
  5. Go look into what happened with binance exchange and it's owner cz. Incredible really.
  6. So now it's cool to have topics with derogatory name calling in the title ? Hmmm good to know.
  7. He's from quebec.....ouch.
  8. Yai call bs on this too. Crypto exchanges are shady as f to begin with. Cz at binance was in a whole world of trouble before. Sam bankman is another. This one is a deep rabbit hole with ties to government officials.
  9. Are you upset the lefts billionaires didn't win ?
  10. Dr mike breaks down the real reasons for modern day obesity. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hPJcpmsKayE&t=12s&pp=ygULZHIgbWlrZSByZms%3D
  11. I can't imagine what life must be like when you're packing a tic tac. God bless your soul.
  12. Darn right. I would hack a new bong off the side of his house.
  13. Charging.in transit seems excess.
  14. Why not. The roach finds a place with food and took advantage of it.
  15. Not too stupid to breed Europe out in the coming 50 years though. Gaddafi tried to warn people.
  16. Only fans...after school detention edition.
  17. It's quite sadistic at this point. Do they get off repeating this mumbo jumbo ? If I had a condom for every time a pattaya official said this I wouldn't need to raw dawg on family friendly soi 6 so much.
  18. Why ? What he did is quite normal for thai culture. If there was any integrity he would only have one wife. Spare me your moral outrage.
  19. How nice of them to exempt travellers in transit.
  20. Cue crusty old liberal privileged male telling us all how Trump is this and that. While they sit on their nest egg generally not being effected by this. Most of the loudest posters on this forum are quite well off and sitting pretty into retirement. Well earned but totally obvlious.
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