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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Yep, there's always the far right distortion and then the truth. Sadly, it's always too late because the tin foil hats will stick to the first story like excrement to a blanket and nothing will shift them.
  2. I don't know where coronovirus came from but it was not manufactured or deliberately released to kill millions of people starting with the Chinese first.
  3. Why? He'll be accusing the immigrants of eating the dogs.
  4. He will blow the economy up like a specex rocket.
  5. sure. you're posts never come across that way.
  6. betcha the supreme court stops his toxic agenda.
  7. Another never ending political investigation using tax payers money and finally being buried without comment. Let me guess, Jim Jordan will be running it.
  8. You just earned an ignore and I'm not homosexual.
  9. I do as well. But not for the same reason. They say sunlight is the best cure. Shining a light into the world of conspiracy theories anti anti-science nuttery is always a good thing.
  10. You do realize that there are strategies Trump can employ to appoint him without senate confirmation?
  11. Trump's cabinet is a 'grab bag' of 'freaks' — and that could save democracy: legal expert https://www.rawstory.com/trump-cabinet-freaks/
  12. "The most obvious reason that Matt Gaetz should not, and cannot, become attorney general of the United States is that he is quite likely a statutory rapist," he contended. "And a proudly boastful one at that. This is not an exaggeration. Gaetz was notoriously caught bragging about his dating and having sex with girls to other Republican congressmen back in 2021 — and then showing photos of them to others on the House floor." https://www.rawstory.com/attorney-general-matt-gaetz-statutory/
  13. Can't make this stuff up LOL Gold and the New York Times report that the Onion ate InfoWars with backing from several families of victims of the Sandy Hook mass shooting who successfully sued Jones for nearly $1.5 billion in defamation damages. Jones, who notoriously spread a conspiracy theory claiming their children's deaths had been faked, was forced to declare bankruptcy and liquidate assets. https://www.rawstory.com/alex-jones-infowars-onion/
  14. and if he gets a recess appointment without senate confirmation? Or an "acting" appointment?
  15. DEI is not dead. The single reason it was created as a policy was to prevent employers from being sued. That hasn't gone away not matter what the misogynists and racists would wish for.,
  16. He's a pervert.
  17. He was and remains quite capable fo fulfilling his duties. He was definitely declining but not to the extent that you imagine. Otherwise he would have resigned. The dems merely figured that the MAGA hit jobs were landing to needed to take that out of the equation. Had he resigned earlier and given Harris free reign things may have been different.
  18. They weren't hiding it, most were calling for Biden to withdraw. So many that he actually did so.
  19. Where did you get this ridiculous idea from?
  20. It's almost as if the risk wasn't assessed and they had no clue what electronics were aboard.
  21. And after the debate, dems were out in force urging Biden to withdraw, including Pelosi. It toitally blows apart the right wing trope that dems were all claiming there was nothing to see here.
  22. He's gambling on a recess appointment. Otherwise, Trump will just give him some other job. Like Chief Model Appraiser.
  23. I define senior like most job hiring experts do. Actual experience in relevant positions doing comparable duties with comparable responsibilities. Able to actually do the job properly from day 1.
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