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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. This is why Trump won. He unashamedly offered a quid quo pro to the oligarchs to get him elected. With people like this running the show the rule of law has no chance. Bribery and corruption at its worst. Plum governemnt jobs for sale, simple as that. President-elect Donald Trump has selected Chris Wright, a campaign donor and fossil fuel executive, to serve as energy secretary in his upcoming, second administration. https://apnews.com/article/trump-2024-election-energy-secretary-d546f5f81d7b2347b49905be924dfcd7
  2. Did I respond to a post that said they were planned? I'm sorry. I thought I was reply to a post that said they were banned. My bad.
  3. How did you get to planned here? I know banned rhymes with planned but could we stay focused on what I replied to which was "Yes demos were banned but the Pro Palastinians ignored the ban that's also quoted, still waiting for a link."
  4. Hasn't it been established that both sides ignored the ban?
  5. In countries with laws against hate speech, ant person who feels aggrieved can file a complaint. LIke any other criminal complaint a prosecutor decides whether to prosecute the complaint. In the US, there are no laws against hate speech that I know of so it's a free for all. To answer your question, in other countries it would go to a jury trial and the jury of peers decides.
  6. Indeed. Funded by oligarchs. That's the point. Musk knew exactly what he was doing when he offered Twitter a price they couldn't refuse.
  7. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said that former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, President-elect Trump’s pick for national intelligence director, is “likely a Russian asset.” “There’s no question I consider her someone who is likely a Russian asset,” Wasserman Schultz said on MSNBC on Friday. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4993196-wasserman-schultz-says-gabbard-likely-a-russian-asset/
  8. Why shouldn't they? You tell us.
  9. Why should the DNC believe 12 jurors?
  10. Few prominent people in the world are more right wing. The secretive ones who deny until they don't ar ethe most dangerous. Musk funded right-wing political non-profit years before he endorsed Trump https://www.reuters.com/world/us/musk-funded-right-wing-political-non-profit-years-before-he-endorsed-trump-2024-10-02/ Musk’s donations to the groups were kept quiet, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal reported. He funneled money through social welfare groups that are not required to disclose their donors. People involved in his donations to Citizens for Sanity would use Signal, an encrypted messaging app, to discuss the transactions, the Wall Street Journal reported. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/oct/03/elon-musk-rightwing-political-donations
  11. Nobody has evidence and that doesn't mean the crackpot conspiracy theories must prevail.
  12. When you see a hit piece like this from the right it always means the opposite is happening.
  13. Zoonotic does not mean man made.
  14. Witness says she saw Gaetz have sex with a minor.
  15. He wants government to collapse, that's the Project 2025 manifesto.
  16. I'm not surprised MAGA love it. The House Ethics Committee received testimony from someone who claimed to have witnessed former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) engage in sexual misconduct with a high school girl, ABC News reported Friday. This follows a development earlier in the week when the attorney for a woman who claims she and Gaetz had sexual contact when she was 17 — beneath the age of consent in Florida — called on the House Ethics Committee to release its report on the matter, which is expected to contain further damning information. https://www.rawstory.com/matt-gaetz-witness/
  17. Stocks are dumping for some reason lately, including DJT. I'll sell gold and oil for the time being until they find a bottom but for the next while it'll be like catching a falling knife.
  18. Does the Latin phrase "Deus Vult" mean anything to you? A man who in 2021 was a member of the same National Guard unit as Pete Hegseth, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to be defense secretary, confirmed he sent a letter to his superiors warning that a tattoo Hegseth bears indicated that he was a potential "insider threat" ahead of President Biden's inauguration. He said in his letter, which CBS News obtained, "White-Supremacist use of #Deus Vult and a return to medieval Catholicism, is to invoke the myth of a white Christian (i.e. Catholic) medieval past that wishes to ignore the actual demographics and theological state of Catholicism today." He added, "Deus Vult has enjoyed popularity with members of the alt-right because of its perceived representation of the clash of civilizations between the Christian west and the Islamic world." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hegseth-insider-threat-biden-inauguration/
  19. That's why TSLA rocketed after Trump was elected. TSLA up 3% yesterday while NVDA down 3%. That's a lot. And the NASDAQ 100 Index finished down 2.38% on heavy volumes. The media is saying, the stock market is selling off due to interest rate worries, now that Jay Powell is showing signs of turning hawkish.
  20. No, but that would be my bet for first official overseas visit for Trump
  21. Do all you guys come from Flint?
  22. You've ignore the money spent in their name, like by the people I mentioned. You are being devious.
  23. A month so far. The moment the market realized that Trump was likely to win the dollar was on jet fuel and hasn't stopped. Additionally, the predicted collapsed economy has pressured the price of oil despite looming war.
  24. Why didn't it in Australia? Or NZ? Or Thailand? Lower case loads than most countries.This is one lie Trump will never escape.
  25. Please stop digging. Trump downplayed the virus which led to a disaster.
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