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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Oh, I don't know. Maybe genocide and mass murder, who knows?
  2. Trump's picks show he's going for maximum chaos, division and dysfunction in government. That's the Heritage's Society's manifesto to destroy government which is now Trump's marching orders.
  3. Right, so he's vindicated because he wasn't convicted if you're using the same logic. Which is it?
  4. The president of the USA has a lot of expert opinion at his disposal. He was lying and he knew it. Period. This was no opportunity ofr idle speculation because nobody knew. You are in blind obeisance if you believe that. And history shows that it accelerated far beyond the numbers prevalent at the time.
  5. Yes, he hasn't managed to stoop that low since. He isn't president. "They eating the dogs" would come next. This game is too easy.
  6. LOL. Hitler was vindicated too then.
  7. Indeed. The right wing were lucky. Instead of having to raise the money from the base like the dems did, they relied on rich self interested billionaires to buy the election for them. Think Musk, Murdoch and Mellon. The axis of evil.
  8. Was the above not a lie? Did Trump have some reason to believe it would in the face of contrary advice from experts everywhere in the world, including his own government. Was that not a lie?
  9. That's a really easy one. "It'll be gone by Easter".
  10. LOL, I never said it did. Show me. Why is this so hard for the followers of the next messiah to get the fact that the markets are predicting future inflation. If the US 10 year reverses course and goes back down below 4% I would concede that it isn't predicting inflation but right now, don't be looking for a mortgage. Call up your real estate agent and ask why rates are sky rocketing. .
  11. It doesn't cause inflation. It's a result of higher interest rates being used to quell inflation. You mob just don't want to acknowledge that Trump's election has literally thrown rates out of control. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/^TNX/
  12. More labeling, LOL. It's a trademark of the right. How come the left don't use invented garble like wokeist and cancel culture? Have you ever wondered?
  13. LOL, it's the right who are going to be running around like chooks with no head after electing the worst president in history for the second time. If you think the left wing are all misandrists you really have a problem. Hilarious really. Real men don't need to hate on women for anything. Think about that for a while. The reverse is true also. 555.
  14. When exactly did hate speech and misogyny become fair play? It looks lot like victim blaming here.
  15. I know but when his health card mattered most was when he was a candidate. That's when they release the health card.
  16. but but Trump is the title of the thread. pointing out a little hypocrisy never hurt anybody.
  17. By normalizing hate speech. They're eating the dogs.
  18. I have explained it in other threads. The stronger dollar is a product of higher rates. Higher rates are a product of higher bond yields. Higher bond yields ar ea product of higher inflation expectations. It is not opinion.
  19. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-44053828 Incels have been connected to hate crimes against women and celebrate attacks that target them. Despite the link between incels and violence, public figures like Jordan Peterson defend incels and see them as unfairly marginalized. https://theconversation.com/yes-the-incel-community-has-a-sexism-problem-but-we-can-do-something-about-it-207206 In an interview with Tom away from the group, he admits there "may be some elements of misogyny" in the community but says it's all in reaction to women rejecting them. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-feed/article/the-hidden-world-of-incel-men-who-hate-women-normalise-violence-and-joke-about-rape/zt0x2un0p
  20. Don't the public have an interest in knowing if a presidential candidate is healthy enough to maybe make it to the end of his term and is not a psychopath?
  21. Yes the formation could break down. There's never anything sure. However, the rates and consequently the dollar have risen sharply. since the election so it points to continuation. If the cup and handle does form it would be a very bad sign. Especially for the government. There is talk of the fed raising rates. Powell reiterated that the path of rate cuts is not pre-set, will depend on data, going slower if the data allows seems like ‘the smart thing to do’ The rising dollar would make imports cheaper and consequently domestic stuff relatively more expensive. Tariffs would make imports more expensive, also pushing inflation.
  22. Indeed, Trump has emboldened the nazis, misogynists and, incels and other misfits who want to make society suffer for their own inadequacies.
  23. Has Trump released his medical history finally? Your post implies that he must have.
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