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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. I can't count up to 270.
  2. We still don't have the current tax returns. You're moaning about ancient history.
  3. Damn, the evidence of illegality was unfairly obtained. He's innocent.
  4. 20 faithless MAGA electors vote for Trump against the popular vote.
  5. That religious beliefs should not be forced on public schools. No educator would have anything to fear from secular humanists like that. Fortunately, they far outnumber their antagonists.
  6. It's almost as if Trump is a bastion of truth.
  7. Did I change it somewhere? It was always about trump's tax returns. Ask me about Harris' tax returns. Every president merely indicated it was the norm which you falsely refuted.
  8. At least we know who the Kremlin Kids are around here.
  9. Smith called the apparent web of relationships and alleged communications between Musk, former President Donald Trump and Putin “troubling” and argued they pose a dire threat to U.S. interests and democratic values, especially if Trump were to regain the White House. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/10/25/musk-putin-conversations-investigated-00185543
  10. Should Kamala Harris win the presidency, a lot would hinge on how Musk responds to the election. He could say some mea culpas and probably move on, but if he goes the election-denier route, he and his businesses probably would face heightened scrutiny. And NASA and the US Space Force could do more to ensure that other US companies can emerge to challenge SpaceX's dominance. https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/10/why-is-elon-musk-talking-to-vladimir-putin-and-what-does-it-mean-for-spacex/
  11. Elon Musk has been in regular contact with Putin for two years, says report Alleged talks between billionaire and Russian president could have enormous security implications https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/oct/25/elon-musk-has-been-in-regular-contact-with-putin-for-two-years-say-reports
  12. Ukraine Discovers Starlink on Downed Russian Shahed Drone: Report https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-starlink-russia-shahed-135-drone-elon-musk-spacex-1959563
  13. So you lied. Trump alone since Nixon refused to release his tax returns and you refuted this without evidence and have been proven wrong.
  14. Sharing tax returns with the public was the modern norm until Donald Trump https://www.investopedia.com/history-of-presidents-and-federal-income-tax-what-s-normal-5080237
  15. Not running for president. Are you trolling or drunk? Desperate for a response at the very least.
  16. Because every president since the criminal Nixon has done so until the criminal trump. It's designed to bolster public confidence that they aren't compromised by some foreign power (cough) or corrupted. His recent returns are especially important to ensure he has not violated the Emoluments Clause. There's every reason to believe trump has done so.
  17. The snake in the image has a bright green coloration, which is characteristic of certain species found in Thailand. Based on this color, a common species is the green pit viper (genus Trimeresurus or Cryptelytrops). In Thailand, these green pit vipers are often found in gardens, forests, and near human dwellings. However, if this snake was identified in a more controlled, artificial setting, like a garden or a pot, it could also be a non-venomous species, such as a green bush snake (Ahaetulla nasuta), which is harmless to humans and commonly found in Southeast Asia. Since identification can be challenging from just an image, especially without seeing the head or specific body markings, exercise caution around green snakes in Thailand, as green pit vipers are venomous. It’s best to consult a local expert or wildlife authority for a precise identification if you encounter a snake like this.
  18. Harris!
  19. By which you mean repeatedly elected to public office. Are you a total anarchist?
  20. He lied on his application if the allegations are correct. We will see.
  21. IMHO, Musk literally platformed hate speech and divided the world further. He also supports Putin.
  22. Then please quit responding to me since you are doing so from a position of ignorance.
  23. He is utter racist scum, definitely not what the country needs. He is also corrupt and bribes voters. Did I mention scum?
  24. bots don't have issues.
  25. By your lack of knowledge of what's written in the article? Where's the current tax returns?
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