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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. It will be soon. Trump has promised Musk a cabinet position in charge of the economy. He will take the same wrecking ball to the government as he did to the economy. Trump is enamored by billionaires.
  2. Oh noes, we can't possibly use a word that doesn't slue transgenders.
  3. Overseas leaders are somewhat more delighted in Harris than Trump. They are absolutely incredulous that Trump might win again.
  4. Trump promised the oil companies he would sign whatever was put in front of him if they contributed 1 billion to his campaign. I do agree that intelligent people should never follow celebrities lives or opinions for whatever reason. For that reason, Trump should never have been selected. A TV reality star -- sheesh. https://thehill.com/newsletters/energy-environment/4965038-money-from-oil-execs-flows-to-trump/
  5. Only the ones whose side doesn't get any high profile celebrity endorsements. Hugely rich coming from a party which likes to choose celebrity candidates.
  6. Because MAGA hates women being independent and not voting their husbands preference. A new Harris-Walz campaign ad voiced by actor Julia Roberts encourages women to vote for Vice President Harris in the presidential election, even if their husbands are backing former President Trump. Republicans have responded to the video with outrage, with some claiming that a wife lying about her vote is as bad as an affair. “If I found out Emma was going to the voting booth and pulling the lever for Harris, that’s the same thing as having an affair,” Fox News host Jesse Watters said on air Wednesday https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4964265-kamala-harris-ad-julia-roberts/
  7. Former President Trump is suing CBS News over a “60 Minutes” interview it broadcast with Vice President Harris earlier this month that he and his allies have claimed was edited to cast her in a positive light. The lawsuit, which seeks $10 billion in damages and was filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Texas alleges the network engaged in “partisan and unlawful acts of election and voter interference through malicious, deceptive, and substantial news distortion.” “To paper over Kamala’s ‘word salad’ weakness, CBS used its national platform on 60 Minutes to cross the line from the exercise of judgment in reporting to deceitful, deceptive manipulation of news,” the lawsuit reads. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4964816-trump-sues-cbs-news-60-minutes/
  8. In 2023, Twitter's revenue dropped to around $3.4 billion, down from $4.4 billion in 2022. In the first six months of 2024, advertisers spent about 24% less on the platform than in the same period in 2023.
  9. If Trump wins, Putin will be happy with what he's got and stop invading Ukraine further? The rest of Europe will follow America and stop proving weapons to Ukraine? Is that what you believe?
  10. When you get voted into every job you've ever held you don't need qualifications.
  11. I suppose they could pray the gay away instead.
  12. He's on work experience, preparing for Jan 21.
  13. I'm still wondering what covfefe meant.
  14. They are very sorry it didn't work out as planned and walked it back. Or tried to. What sounds like music to a tin ear is just noise to others.
  15. The depths have been well plumbed by the far right. It started with the Bush "Southern Strategy".
  16. Millions of Americans would disagree with you.
  17. This kind of change? Oil and gas tycoons made significant contributions to the Trump campaign after the former president asked the industry for $1 billion to support his reelection bid — and reportedly said it would be a “deal” for them to do so. https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4961820-oil-bigwigs-open-wallets-for-trump-after-billion-dollar-request/
  18. It's just modern day slavery, brought to you by the very same class of millionaires who kept slaves.
  19. Would it not be much, much, much cheaper to prosecute the pull factor and stop the human trafficking trade? Paying illegals a pittance is human trafficking, right?
  20. Yeah, if the drag queens didn't normalize homosexuality the gay kids would have to keep their mouth shut like in the past.
  21. Because Harris said "you'll never have to vote again"?
  22. He employed a bunch of self serving politicians. Many of whom have either been indicted or flipped on him. The change didn't happen, the swamp got stinkier.
  23. Does it matter?
  24. Two things might fix that. Establish a minimum wage with huge penalties for violating it and actually prosecute employers who employ illegals with mandatory jail time. Economic migration would dry up overnight. Along with the economy.
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