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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Convicted? Link? Circumstances? ONE person. I clearly said significant voter fraud affecting the outcome of an election.
  2. Sexual assault is rape.
  3. Just wow. Denying hate while writing hate speech. Can't make this up.
  4. There is no evidence of mail in voting fraud in returned ballots at this time. Illegal immigrants are not known for voting. I thought being your country you might know that. Oh well.
  5. Jennifer Lopez says Puerto Rico joke offended ‘every Latino in this country’ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4965527-jennifer-lopez-criticizes-trump/
  6. There has never been significant mail in voting fraud even coming close to affecting the outcome of an election. It's not of any concern at all.
  7. The irony is that he wants to impose a huge tariff on Chinese EV's because they subsidize their companies.
  8. Musk knows that too.
  9. He cares about half the American people and nobody else. And probably only one person.
  10. What's left unsaid here is that there will never be enough money for all it's citizens to live in luxury and consequently never any money for foreign aid. This sociopathic argument crops up constantly.
  11. And 4 times you were unable to figure out that I wasn't going to play your stupid game. I see this all the time. "You don't live in woop woop, USA, what would you know ab out the US? Pathetic in the extreme. Get a life.
  12. These two cases stand out for me. But this is why the far right hate her, apart from her being black and a woman of course. Harris’ entry into the national spotlight came at the tail end of the Great Recession in 2011, when as California’s attorney general, she rejected a settlement offer from five major mortgage lenders — one other states agreed to. It could have jeopardized the deal, but her brinkmanship worked: The banks kicked in a lot more, allowing California to collect about $20 billion, from an initial settlement offer of $4 billion. The California Supreme Court nullified all of the marriages in April 2004, and voters then approved Proposition 8 to define marriage as between a man and a woman. When same-sex couples challenged the ballot measure all the way to the nation’s highest court, then-Attorney General Harris refused to defend it, saying it was unconstitutional. “The Supreme Court has described marriage as a fundamental right 14 times since 1888,” Harris said in 2013. “The time has come for this right to be afforded to every citizen.” https://calmatters.org/politics/elections/2024/08/kamala-harris-prosecutor-california-san-francisco/
  13. One which taught me to read English. I know as much as you do. Probably much more. Thanks for playing.
  14. Ultimately, that tension that Harris faces underscores why Republicans’ attacks on her as too soft on crime aren’t based in reality: She has plenty of evidence to point to that shows she was, at times, a tough-on-crime prosecutor. She also has plenty of evidence that shows she was, at other times, a reformer. https://www.vox.com/today-explained-newsletter/363859/kamala-harris-prosecutor-record-tough-crime
  15. Why is Trump now encouraging mail in voting if it's such a security concern. He trashed it before as part of a plot to claim cheating and steal the election. The strategy has been modified only slightly this time with Trump already calling cheating despite telling his followers to vote early.
  16. Except Ukraine maybe. And probably every other country on the planet not named Russia.
  17. With the vote just days away, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party is suing the Erie Board of Elections over thousands of missing mail-in voting ballots. A software failure caused ElectionIQ to send duplicate ballots that went into incorrect envelopes. The county estimated that about 300 people received duplicate or incorrect ballots, and the U.S. Postal Service has “been unable to account for,” another 1,800 mail ballots, according to the lawsuit, which the county says were never mailed by ElectionIQ. https://penncapital-star.com/election-2024/pennsylvania-democratic-party-suing-erie-board-of-elections-over-thousands-of-missing-mail-ballots/
  18. It was part of a scenario of options depending on the numbers which turned out to be neither hot nor cold. the PMI however was up, indicating more inflation.
  19. payroll was down but dollar up.
  20. Officials in Lancaster County announced last week they were reviewing roughly 2,500 voter registration forms due to potential fraud. But there were no fraudulent ballots involved and no indication that the registration forms are a sign of wider fraud, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4962489-trump-casts-doubt-election-results-pennsylvania/
  21. The numbers the dollar is responding to weren't available yesterday.
  22. Must be very grim, the dollar is rising hard in response.
  23. Nope. Non sequitur. One is not the counter position of the other.
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