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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. It's even simpler than that. "They are eating the dogs" has to be clinically insane.
  2. The dark money on the right picks presidents who are populist and will be acquiescent. Think Reagan and Trump. What better populist than a movie star? The danger is that career politicians who managed to get elected several times might not be so pliant and possibly might be tempted to do the right thing.
  3. Born in America. How many generations does it take to wash out the Indian?
  4. Trump's an Adonis or you don't care? How is it that what Kamala looks like disturbs you but Trump's looks don't? Maybe because it's Halloween?
  5. Are you good at body language too?
  6. If not understood the first time, repeat in a louder voice.
  7. I believe that if Trump wins there will be civil war because that's when the promised retribution will begin. If Trump loses there will not be because the ensuing wave of domestic terrorism will be swiftly put down "by the military if needed". Who said that?
  8. A Pass? The strategy is a feature, not a bug.
  9. Pristine beaches and pina coladas are fine for tourists but the money is better in the US mainland. Not investing in infrastructure has consequences.
  10. I think DJT would be a great day trade for a long on Monday, especially if it dips on open. I wouldn't hold the trade overnight though.
  11. True, I was just leaning into the keeping quiet while have a compelling reason not to. Neither could Pence blow the whistle on the worst of Trump's activities nor can Harris spill the beans on Biden. That said, there are hidden forces which seem to compel certain apparently counter intuitive policies which are acting on Biden and Harris equally.
  12. I was referring to Trump, albeit obliquely 🙂
  13. I agree. Her speeches can be hard to listen to. She's not a particularly good orator. I can't decide if I prefer actual word salad all the time though.
  14. Yes, quite predictably. I think I recall Pence keeping mum as well.
  15. Well, political trolling seems to have become mainstream electoral fare in the last day or so.
  16. If she wins her first trip should be to India to read the riot act. While there she should study up on Hindi and give the state of the nation address in her best Bombay accent.
  17. That was before. The calculus was to challenge the mail in but that didn't pan out too well so they scrapped the idea. Now Trump tells them to vote early. The leap of faith required to swallow this volte face boggles the mind.
  18. Racism is the raison d'etre of the GOP really. The billionaires (think Trump sitting up front in the garbage truck) will give the uninformed (mostly non college grads) what they want (a scapegoat with exceptions for those who struggle and anything the c-nats want) in return for tax breaks and legal protection. Votes paid for by the billionaires. The result will be a Trump presidency with a stacked far right Catholic dominated SC protecting the moneyed class who will live in enclaves, the c-nat end times war in the middle east, europe at war with russia who will be in cahoots with NK, China, India, Hungary, probably Serbia. An unstoppable block of fascism. The US will be told to stay out of it and, apart from weapons and intel to Israel to fund the war of distraction they will become isolationist again, withdrawing from the IPCC again and NATO. Bye bye Obamacare and any trace of the radical left communist agenda. Drill baby drill despite fracking producing more methane than coal. We are just an advanced species of lemmings with no way to make the hard choices needed to survive. We must run off that cliff.
  19. Quote it. The gutless chicken is too scared to attend the Penn State game on Saturday. Seems like he's afraid he'll be booed out of there. https://www.dispatch.com/story/sports/college/football/2024/10/30/donald-trump-ohio-state-football-penn-state-game-2024-election/75943656007/
  20. The garbage truck ploy is just another example of MAGA accusation confession. The Trump team knew exactly who they were inviting to their rally. Hinchcliffe has a reputation for dark humor and insult comedy which has led to several controversies. In 2021, he was dropped by his agency and lost multiple endorsements after using an anti-Asian racial slur against an opening comedian during his set https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hinchcliffe
  21. Why did Biden use the word "is" in that sentence? Is he illiterate or perhaps some home schooled MAGA attack dogs are illiterate?
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