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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Bears are watching? What might the lifting actually entail do you think? Never mind, I'll tell you. It means tens of thousands more insurrectionists in jail. Ain't gonna happen.
  2. Insanity is not realizing we all live on one planet. The America first mantra basically means no international cooperation on climate change aka doom for the human species, nothing less.
  3. It is inconceivable to anybody with a brain that Trump will end the Middle East wars in a. way which favors Arabs in even the faintest way. He's far more likely to just ban them as immigrants and has said as much.
  4. Because Trump supports Arabs against Israel? Are these home schooled Arabs?
  5. What you missed is that The Economist is probably one of the last publications which would ever have supported Harris. It's not like they were always biased in her direction, quite the opposite. This is huge.
  6. Fox or Newsmax never edited an interview to remove embarassing bits for Trump...
  7. Do their husbands know they're out voting alone like this? There's probably gangs of women roaming the streets egging each other on. Who's at home cooking dinner?
  8. You remember Gabby Giffords don't you?
  9. Interestingly he singles out the GOP to trash here for lots of right leaning small polls.
  10. This time Trump has really committed a crime in plain sight for recommending that someone shoot nine guns at Liz Cheny. Freedom of speech and the First Amendment have been eliminated as a defense for Donald Trump. 18 U.S.C. § 373 is the felony Trump has committed https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/1/2281590/-Trump-Just-Committed-A-Felony-18-U-S-C-373?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web
  11. I hope whoever did it goes down but it isn't a reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater, the system is working. Again, nothing to do with mail in voting. What's your solution, no more elections? What would you change to fix this problem? “The counties’ process to flag and investigate these potentially fraudulent voter registration applications show the safeguards built into our election system are working,” Department of State spokesperson Geoff Morrow said.
  12. That's probably 10% of an average monthly movement in jobs
  13. If it's MAGA it's a conspiracy theory but if its the looney leftists dems then it's real? Whoever did it it's a real conspiracy. I don't accept that so many registrations with fake names was ever intended to translate into accepted votes. "Staff noticed that numerous applications appeared to have the same handwriting (and) were filled out on the same day," Adams said. “The confirmed indicators of fraud that detectives came across were inaccuracies with the addresses listed on the applications, fake and false personal identification information, as well as false names. Also, applications that had names that did not match the provided Social Security information." https://www.wgal.com/article/pennsylvania-election-fraud-lancaster-county/62717614
  14. I stand by my assertion that this is MAGA trying to salt the fields to setup a steal.
  15. County Commissioner Josh Parsons said he's confident law enforcement will make arrests in this case. What's your solution? No elections? Again this is just voter registration not actual voting and I stand by my assertion that mail in voting does not pose any threat to the electoral process. Mail in voting is as common as doggy do and only red states seems to have an issue with it.
  16. It seems the system is working perfectly. Nothing to see here. The county is confident of arrests. Who knows what party is to blame?
  17. Former President Donald Trump's complaints about a key swing state represent purposeful lies meant to offset the possible loss of his campaign, a political analyst argued Friday. Salon columnist Heather Digby Parton made the case that Trump's warnings of voter fraud in Pennsylvania represent the first step to claim a state his campaign fears he'll lose. "He's claiming that they've 'found votes,' which is blubbering nonsense," wrote Parton. https://www.rawstory.com/trumps-campaign-lies/
  18. “Bless Lara’s heart, but this is not acceptable and likely inaccurate,” The Gateway Pundit wrote. Even when they're debunked or explained, experts say false claims about election security undermine faith and trust in the process. https://www.rawstory.com/michigan-election-fraud-2669564477/
  19. They were not ballots. They were applications for registration. Probably part of a plot to sow "evidence" of voter fraud to setup a pretext for court action by a very friendly court to throw the election Trump's way. Who said this was about non citizens trying to vote anyway?
  20. Because only a woman can "sleep her way up". Take this trash elsewhere pal.
  21. I would have thought he would’ve had handlers who said, ‘This is the name of the girl.’ … I knew he was trying to further his agenda. It wasn’t about Mollie. It was about him.” https://www.rawstory.com/trump-mollie-tibbetts/
  22. Exploding far right misogynist heads who still believe wives are chattels. “For them to tell people to lie,” Gingrich said, “is just one further example of the depth of their corruption. How do you run a country where you’re walking around saying ‘wives should lie to their husbands, husbands should lie to their wives’?” https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4965914-newt-gingrich-slams-harris-ad/
  23. Nothing to do with mail in voting and nothing to do with illegal immigrants.
  24. I am. My life would have been much easier if I had inherited 400 large. You?
  25. Veteran pollster Nate Silver said Friday’s Marist poll bodes well for Vice President Harris’s campaign, with just days until the election. Silver, the founder of ABC’s 538, took to social media to share his opinion, suggesting the lead in the three “blue wall” states that went for former President Trump in 2016 and flipped back to President Biden in 2020 could be encouraging for Harris. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4965829-nate-silver-kamala-harris-blue-wall-states-marist-polls/
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