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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. What happened to calling Biden a kiddly fiddler? Jeez. And Biden wasn't the subject of an ethics committee investigation and he did have the FBI do a background check.
  2. It will be a bullish pattern in the US 10 year bond yields. That goes hand in hand with inflation. Also bullish. The cup and handle is a very bullish pattern and fairly reliable. The break to the upside target is the full depth of the cup.
  3. He doesn't care. He bought it to get Trump elected and influence the tenor of speech in the US for years to come. This is what happens when megalomaniac nut cases become oligarchs.
  4. It means my opinion is that he is both of those. That doesn't mean he's guilty. I'm not Robinson Crusoe.
  5. I'm 100% short Chinese tech right now. Seen the HSI lately? I did hear that the Chinese have finally decided to pull out the big guns and throw 1.4 trillion at the problem. There might be a bit of a bounce but it could be a dead cat. The tanking oil price is due to this narrative of expectation of reduced Chinese demand. Big time.
  6. I thought you'd quibble about that and swerve the actual elephant in the room.
  7. I think there will be a reversion to mean soon.
  8. Arte you implying I have researched nothing? A part of critical thinking is realizing that when 99% of scientists say one thing the 1% are probably wrong. Society works on this kind of thinking and descends into anarchy when that breaks down. I might have the numbers slightly wrong but not enough to disprove my point..
  9. Last 2 quarters Twitter revenue was a quarter of what it was in 2022. https://www.businessofapps.com/data/twitter-statistics/
  10. I never called him guilty. I, like many others want to see the report into a potential AG. Some apparently are worried about what it may say. There's too much ducking and weaving aka smoke from the traitor Johnstone for there not to be some fire here. Others too are scrambling. Trump wants to skip senate confirmations. Talk about the mafia taking over government.
  11. Scientists have said it's highly unlikely that the virus was man made. That's good enough for me until proven otherwise.
  12. Not censorship of a house ethics report I'll warrant. A twitter rant maybe? warm?
  13. Gaetz has been not been found not guilty of anything.
  14. That ship has sailed. Gaetz's name is synonymous with kiddly fiddler now. The whole world knows the allegations. Don't you think the FBI needs the report for a background check? Apparently not. It's best that the report is released so as to exclude the possibility that he is a genuine child rapist. Let's not forget there was a statement and now a witness.
  15. It will say what it says. People can make up their own minds. If it exonerates him he's a hero.
  16. Why would an innocent man resign the day before the report was due for release? Why is speaker Johnston opposed to releasing the report? It wasn't a precedent anyway so he lied.
  17. It had been coming down for months so high into overbought was highly unlikely but I don't use an RSI indicator so I don't really know. Looking back I can say the US 10 year had been falling since 30 April before reversing in mid September. Trump's betting odds also reached a swing low around 21 September. While we're at it, if the 10 year hits 4.6% (it's 4.4 now) it may form a cup and handle. If that plays out it'll be another stock market crash and catastrophic credit crunch. Think US debt.
  18. No, interest rate cuts cause the 10 year to fall (or the opposite) and the dollar as well. Interest rate rises cause the dollar to rise. They always travel in tandem because they are interdependent. There can be temporary exceptions like war but it's the way of the markets. Now we had interest rate cuts and the dollar went up. Partially because the cuts were priced in anyway but mainly because the anticipation of coming inflation blew the interest rate cuts out of the water. The last round of inflation numbers released were up. Significantly. In a falling economy. Nasty. Have fun, Trump.
  19. How does it not mean that if it's not everyone who [sic] he wants then he didn't get everyone through the senate?
  20. You know full well there's a house ethics report and that Gaetz resigned the day before it was due to be released. You are being disingenuous and will be ignored.
  21. This is a screenshot of the 10 year yield since September which is when I assume the markets figured out Trump was likely to win. Look it up in trading view or yahoo if you want. you will see that gold and shares were melting up and the dollar index and 10 yr were falling. Then came a reversal. You will also see a similar pattern on the RCP betting averages where the reversal came on October 6. The insider money (wall street) know before the punters. You can even see where the 10 year gets a rocket under it around October 6 when the betting market turned. This chart proves everything I have said about market movement since and just before Trump was elected.
  22. Optimistic. There won't be 3 or 4 holdouts against putting an accused child molester in as AG?. Especially not without seeing the report.
  23. That would be almost healthy popcorn.
  24. I think nobody really wants it but nobody wants to say so. There will come a time soon when they will need to remove it because there will be issues where they can't get a super majority such as arms to Ukraine or bombing Iran for example so I think the filibuster's days are numbered. The CW as far as I can tell is that if one party removes it the other won't restore it.
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