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  1. If you can survive the burning traffic is no problem
  2. So she didn't steal it, he lost it.
  3. My condo bans EVs from even parking, or charging, there.
  4. So it's not owned by a Chinese national it's owned by a Thai company
  5. "owned by Chinese nationals" how can they own houses in Thailand
  6. People would rather have a new truck or iPhone than children
  7. I can not buy anything from Amazon with my Krungsri debit card. When i asked at the bank they said Amazon doesn't accept Thai bank cards !!
  8. "shaving becomes very difficult" ? er it takes 5 minutes, for me every second day. Most retired guys have got all the time in the world. Too hot here anyway to have a beard. Maybe can understand in a cold climate.
  9. The worst possible suggestion, my thinkpad lasted 1 year. Chinese crap.
  10. I have steered clear of buying second hand bikes. Too many dodgy dealers, ex rental, auction repos etc. For the prices you quote 60-70,000 better to pay a bit more and buy new.
  11. Surprised he has time, with all his projects, to worry about a small bankrupt island.
  12. A head injury, but he had a helmet but no doubt not wearing it or strapped on.
  13. Too many to mention but if i am ever feeling down i watch Gattaca
  14. Really? billionaire families and they living in Pattaya and shopping at 7/11?

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