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Everything posted by Albo

  1. Watch all the smooth brainers guffaw at the RT link and disregard the fact of the matter - chiefly.. Ukraine has run dry of fighting men and now needs to dig deeper into the pool of youth and despair. Zalensky has the responsibility of corraling 18 to 25-year-olds who want nothing to do with the war into marching up to the front lines to die for zelensky's additional war profiteering An absolutely cynical attempt to keep this war going forward. It was never winnable for the Ukraine. Anyone that is taken a 101 Civilization course should know that. Please do note the quotes before you go walking about the source “Getting younger people into the fight, we think, many of us think, is necessary,” Blinken stated. “Right now, 18- to 25-year-olds are not in the fight,” he said, noting it is up to Kiev to decide how best to get them into frontline operations. He reiterated the call at a press meeting on Wednesday, claiming that manpower is critical, “because even with the money, even with the munitions, there have to be people on the front lines.” https://www.rt.com/news/608710-us-ukraine-conscription-age-push/
  2. Nah, all be at the MAGA rally. Huge bonfires torches, pitchforks. If you can squirrel away a bit of cash from your government pension you should come. Effigies of the entire Biden cabinet will be burned.
  3. I don't eat much western food. Next to none outside of home. That meal would cost you about 250-300b in touristy Bangkok. All foreign style food in Thailand expect to pay 100% mark-up above if same ingredients were made thai style despite being more work and ingredients. Pro tip: Reduce your carbs ffs
  4. Kamala Harris?
  5. This thread will be not so strangely devoid of libs-of-as-now posters Silence already deafening
  6. It's understandable Biden pardons his own son for crimes charged and convicted, but to blanket pardon over past decade is unconscionable and amoral. In true banana republic style.. watch for more Biden crime family syndicate pardons to come 👍 The default shi+lib response is buh buh buh T T Trump .... False equivalency, second Trump has not been found criminally guilty of anything despite the decade of lies and lawfare. Dinky dau always shows
  7. Presidents always do a farewell tour on their way out. If Biden were not wasting taxpayer money circumnavigating the globe he'd be facing a lot of heat in WDC from both sides.
  8. As Blinken pushes Ukraine for more cannon fodder .. death and disfigurement simply to spite Trump - Zelensky has lost all domestic support https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/zelensky-more-unpopular-ever-after-nearly-3-years-war-mainstream-media
  9. Dinky dau always shows https://jonathanturley.org/2024/12/04/its-not-my-fault-its-the-default-fani-willis-loses-significant-records-fight/ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fani-full-release-ordered-after-fulton-da-sat-rico-records
  10. 75.5 million Americans
  11. Curious what issue you consider yourself clearly right of center on. * Sorry for hijack
  12. I'm not sure what this means. Surely it's denial and more inability to accept the lefts failed agenda and execution
  13. The two are absolutely not mutually exclusive. Last time Trump drew from old DC hands and his admin was turned into chaos. This time he knows better. He's already dipping way to deep into the swamp. If they work against him you're not going to like their replacements. The beatings will continue until the morale improves
  14. You are free to whine after Trump's term is finished. In the meantime please refrain from ridiculously wild speculation. Contrary to your belief there are many constitutional absolutists right of center. There will be many lawsuits waged against Trump's administration. None will be over the constitution.
  15. No, it doesn't mean that at all. Next question please
  16. Nothing of the sort Your claim: Biolabs ARE disinformation The reality: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5005055/user-clip-biolabs-confirmed-ukraine https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5005520/senator-rubio-questions-undersecretary-nuland-biolabs-ukraine Another know-nothing, shoot from hip opinion monger.
  17. 1 precisely when will that happen genius? 2 When the US and EU stop arming Ukraine Russia can go back about it's business. It's far from a failed state, but most of you have even less insight into Russia as you do US politics, economics
  18. ?? Where you get your fashion tips?
  19. Sometimes in BKK they charge b2 for the water. Ice, straw and maybe they dump an m150 in the water bucket for flavor. It's rare, but not unheard of.
  20. I found some broccoli at Big C for b15 and wife made this. We ate it with air fried pork with chilli.
  21. That's not how it works in Thailand but you wouldn't know that because you don't live here.
  22. This doesn't matter. It's done and over. Moreover, *gender affirming care* is about to legally go down in flames as well. DEI and activist gay politics is finished in US.
  23. Cut funding Most of these cities are going bankrupt. Trump can simply not fund them through various measures and the cities will go under. Additionally, all of that payout going directly and indirectly to illegal aliens will be halted
  24. Came here to insert the same link. We agree on one thing. He is willing to go to jail and I am willing to put him there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHm14NA55jQ
  25. Your opinions offer nothing. As you are not American please refrain from cluttering the thread with your thoroughly unqualified view of American politics.
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