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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. Who gives a sh!t what he looks, and dresses like?! It's the man's integrity that is important.
  2. Of course. As my father always said to me; 'Use the right tools for the right job.'
  3. Bloody hell Ralf!! Bringing tears to my eyes just thinking of that. Could a cigarette lighter not do the job? Of course I jest. If you are gonna pull them out with pliers, it don't matter how long they are.
  4. That's excellent Ralf. I personally give mine a alcohol wash every few days. Kills off any insects, and makes the hair easy to pull out with pliers.
  5. @JAGYoung girl went up to receive Communion at Mass this morning wearing a tee shirt with "Porn Hub" emblazoned on it. Blissful ignorance on her part and her parents.'' Seen lots of girls wearing a 'Porn Hub' T shirt a couple of years back.
  6. Why do men have hair growing on their scrotum?
  7. Why is The Don and Pres Putin so pally? So they can join forces and do a deal with the Afganies over their stuff. Peace not war. Deals on wheels. Is The Don's next move to join BRICS?
  8. Did you not ever consider, perhaps the most important question of all time, before covid hit? Good you have brought it out for disgussion.
  9. 'Wish you were here' pics Chris. Great stuff.
  10. Because I said that The 'O's were having a great run, they go lose their next three league games. Have it all to do now. Gonna shut up about them. To make matters worse; Dag & Red, and Aveley both lost at home. Hornchurch drew away. Even the club that i played for 40 years ago lost at home. Bad w/e. FA Cup. The whites (North Enders) spoiled my accumulator by swamping the Clarets. To think that they were once one of, if not the best team in the world. Now only well thought of for being a household three letter footy club like; QPR, WHU, PNE. Come on you pilgrims.
  11. Too much to answer in that post Richard. I'll respond in greater detail later. Suffice it to say that a pathogenic virus has never been shown to exist. Never been isolated, and virology is. IMO, a fraudulent branch of medicine. Don't you see Richard, that everything is nature. There is no need to look for a mystical, invisible entity, called a virus, that is out to get us at every opportunity. Better to point the finger at man-made stuff for our sicknesses. That includes measles (OP), covid, influenza and cancer. '
  12. Thanks for putting me straight L. Don't change the fact that all the settlers, and descendants of the convicts, should be paying rent to their landlords does it?
  13. I do happen to know about viruses Richard. I've seen plenty of cell debris in labs thanks. Under electron microscopy, a 'virus' is indistinguishable from common debris, including exosomes;; entities that aid the removal of toxic matter from cells. When the cell decays, it is broken down to aid expulsion. The body knows how to get rid of stuff it don't need or want. Been doing it for absolute ages. You need to take a walk in the forest, without shoes on, Richard. Being at one with nature = being at one with the truth.
  14. Dear me! The modern Ozzies arrived as convicts and somehow transformed into nutters. Ned will be turning in his grave. Let the Aboes rule the roost I say. Get some common sense back into the place.
  15. First leg of my accumulator came in yesterday.
  16. This is fundamentally incorrect. A virus is a dead entity. Even if it could spread it cannot cause the recipient any harm. There is no such thing as a pathogenic virus. Virology is just a money making fraud for Big Pharma; and a gravy train for the white-coats involved.
  17. Under microsophy a 'virus' is nothing more than part of a dead cell. IMO. viruses are an aid to cell replenishment. Out with the old; in with the new.
  18. Where is/are the experiment(s) that isolated any of the quoted viruses? I'll help you Richard. There is/are none. As there are no such things as viruses; what are vaccines for? You are simply parroting the white-coat/Big Pharma narrative. No science involved what-so-ever. Just regurgitating a theory; that does not hold up to scientific scrutiny.
  19. Tthought North America was in its prime before the French, Spanish or British got there. After WW2, the military doctrine took presidence. Do as we say or we will send in the boys.
  20. You could do a lot worse than read my posts Sir. If you want to be informed that is. If not; there is always the WHO handbook. You are right; free!!
  21. There are many things I do not take for granted. Here are a few: The heart pumps blood. Gagarin was the first man in space. Anyone walked on the moon. A man in a cave, without internet, organised 9/11. The Titanic sunk. Viruses exist. Your good arguments have swayed me towards the earth being spherical though Richard. Proven science eh!? Basic medical science is mostly a fraud. There is no evidence that a virus has ever been isolated, let alone cause illness.
  22. You are simply parroting the Big Pharma line. Have to say it again Richard. There is no such entity as measles virus. And because there is no virus; there is little point in a vaxx is there? Measles is just one of a few complaints that can effect younger humans. Often the symptoms are a fever, skin eruptions and loss of appetite. It is often associated with poor gut health. And why should the gut be unhealthy? Well! There are a trillion microbes in the gut. They keep the body in a strict pH balance. There is a narrow spread. Too much one way or the other results in mass expulsion of undesirable cells, tissue and other matter. For more info; keep responding.
  23. I was pleased to see The Don get in again, as the alternative was the Demoncrats. If I was an American I'd have gone for Jill Stein. But! The Don is in. Not everyone is gonna like either his demeanor or his policies. He is right about Canada though. They have completely lost their way.
  24. I think @Harrisfan makes a good point. Why is the measles news getting so much coverage? I'll tell you why. Because the vaccine hesitancy has dented Big Pharma's profits. Got to get back on track!! What better method to use than 'fear'.
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