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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2963683/pm-scoffs-at-rumours-of-israeli-settlement-in-pai 83 to 84 per day, but yet they still manage to upset the locals. Quite the feat.
  2. Genuine question. Have you ever contributed positively to this forum? It seems to me that there are a fair few members who aren't really part of any community. For me, I help people out if I can and debate honestly about any subject about which I have knowledge and about which I am allowed here. Whereas there are a fair few members here, who do not offer any assistance to anyone and whose whole repertoire is based around agitating and deflecting. Nothing else. That's not someone whom you would want in your nor any community. Troublemakers and Trolls. Literally have not ever, over thousands of posts, posted anything useful for the general community. Just MHO.
  3. You marked your own card due to most of your posts being about how much money you could convince us that you had. Painful.
  4. Ask the Embassy and post their reply here, if you really want to know.
  5. This is the SECOND TIME in memory, that the Israeli government has had to put out an advisory, reminding it's people to behave properly whilst abroad. This is not done due to a few isolated incidents. Most aren't reported until it reaches a critical mass. The deflections of the same few posters are noted here every day. Is everyone else wrong but you?
  6. Why are you posting nonsense? Are you still desperately looking for an argument? Give it up man, it's about seafood restaurants, rather than your childish petulance.
  7. Usually Russians and Asian tourists around there. A bit far out for most western tourists. Though that's not to say there aren't any.
  8. My guess is they were the straw that broke the camel's back. By the comments read ever since, this is most certainly the case.
  9. Does his laptop have a Full HD screen? That might need an HDMI lead attached to a TV. 😊
  10. Packed doesn't mean Shipped. It hasn't gone out yet.
  11. Nonsense. Your 'friends' should stop drinking alcohol and puffing at the same time. Cannabis is beneficial if utilised properly. Idiots that use it to get off their heads, shouldn't be surprised when they get off their heads.
  12. Is this English? I cannot make head nor tail of what you are trying to convey.
  13. A Mia Noi is not regarded as a common street prostitute. There is exclusivity.
  14. The good guys? Perhaps you should ask yourself why Trump sent a failed property developer to the Middle East in his first term. They are ALL criminals. I'm not going to bother to contribute anything more here, as I know there won't be any form of balanced discussion.
  15. Sadly the board has sunk to it lowest depths, allowing this cabal to run riot, posting whatever nonsense that they want. Most sensible people will just disengage from the board if there are no sensible discussions allowed, but only abuse and nonsense from the same few.
  16. Perhaps you should learn to read before commenting.
  17. Just a new set of criminals. That's the simple truth.
  18. ^^ As we can see....the abuse and name calling goes into full swing.... A total inability to discuss anything without it.
  19. I don't know anything about socialists other than a cabal of you on here being seemingly obsessed with them.
  20. Some of it is certainly lies. Such as Trump's pronouncement of Ukraine starting the war. I only get to notice the really obvious ones, as I pay little attention to those disgusting creatures.
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