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Delta Shift

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  1. Yeah the oblivion of my education. I will. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Progress_Index Thailand ranks 71th. Top 10 ? Europe + Canada. Thai people ain't happier and certainly ain't more generous.
  2. Says the guy who goes by the name "hot and sticky" 😄😄😄😄
  3. Happier and less greedy ? 😄😄😄😄😄😄 Westerners are a billion times more generous than Thais. Probably our christian roots. Don't confuse collectivism with generosity. As for happiness, Thais don't know how to let go: they are stuck in the psychological prison of their archaic education. You're fooling yourself. Too much of a coward to accept the truth ? I don't know...
  4. Just ask young Thai people where they would like to get a job. Spoiler : the West. Why? Because Thailand sucks when you're Thai. No freedom, no justice, a frozen social ladder, corruption everywhere, etc... Hundreds of vids on this topic for free on Youtube. Thai people telling it as it is. Sorry but you've been living in a dream for 36 yrs.
  5. Submissive mentality. But hey... If you don't respect yourself, no reason for them to respect you.
  6. I don't think so. More like a necessity for most of these guys.
  7. Fair enough. That's because you're a westerner. Most Thais would rather live in the West than in Thailand. Fairly easy to understand why...
  8. Yeah right. That's it. Exactly. I'm reading a script. Thx
  9. More like the douchebags lol
  10. I don't need to. I can make up my mind by exposing myself to a roughly representative sample. My experience is that outside cities people are completely submissive. So you can't really know how they feel coz they are constantly censoring themselves as they've been taught to do so. It is true that interacting with these people can be a breeze if they speak english (most of the time they don't) but it doesn't say much about their inner lives.
  11. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. Being a taxi driver in BKK could be the definition of madness. Terrible income, stress all the time, terrible environmental conditions... No wonder some of them are flipping.
  12. Another coup in the next 12 months ? 24 maybe ?
  13. Alright you made your point. Now go back to your bar girl. Thx
  14. Not all Thais but a substantial part of the population imo. Just my personal experience.

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